Wayang kulit (shadow puppets) are a favourite medium in Java and other parts of Southeast Asia for the dramatic performance of the two great Indian epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. These ancient morality tales were brought to Southeast Asia by Indian traders and travellers around the 8th century CE.Together with other elements of Indian culture, including art, literature, religion and social systems, these tales captured the imagination of many southeast Asian peoples, who incorporated them into their existing regional cultural forms. In Java, where these puppets come from, wayang performances have been held since the 1st century CE. Characters such as the Pandawa brothers Arjuna and Bima from the Mahabarata, and Rama, Sita and Hanuman from the Ramayana, were blended with local ancestor figures and have become the basis of popular Javanese versions of the stories.
The puppets in this collection are known as 'wayang kulit'; they are made from pierced buffalo-parchment ('kulit' means 'leather') and are the most popular form of wayang (play). Two of the puppets are unfinished but this example is complete - mounted on horn handles and painted. In Java, other puppet styles include three-dimensional 'wayang golek', and wooden 'wayang klitik' carved in shallow relief. Wayang topeng is performed by people wearing masks (topeng).
Wayang kulit, which enjoys a primary place in Javanese social life, is more than just entertainment. Performances often last from dusk to dawn as a renowned dalang (puppet master) can keep his audience rapt throughout. The stories have universal appeal and a cohesive function socially, often including instruction on aesthetics and morality. The Arjuna character from the Mahabharata, Sumbudra's husband, is of particular importance in this regard as, although not flawless, Arjuna is 'alus' - a combination of polite, humble and refined. The opposite to 'alus' is 'kasar' - a way of behaving that is crude and to be abhorred - and displayed by the villains, who are of course always vanquished in the end.
Read more: http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database/?irn=11462#ixzz3tiUSGihe
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Wayang kulit (shadow puppets) are a favourite medium in Java and other parts of Southeast Asia for the dramatic performance of the two great Indian epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. These ancient morality tales were brought to Southeast Asia by Indian traders and travellers around the 8th century CE.Together with other elements of Indian culture, including art, literature, religion and social systems, these tales captured the imagination of many southeast Asian peoples, who incorporated them into their existing regional cultural forms. In Java, where these puppets come from, wayang performances have been held since the 1st century CE. Characters such as the Pandawa brothers Arjuna and Bima from the Mahabarata, and Rama, Sita and Hanuman from the Ramayana, were blended with local ancestor figures and have become the basis of popular Javanese versions of the stories.The puppets in this collection are known as 'wayang kulit'; they are made from pierced buffalo-parchment ('kulit' means 'leather') and are the most popular form of wayang (play). Two of the puppets are unfinished but this example is complete - mounted on horn handles and painted. In Java, other puppet styles include three-dimensional 'wayang golek', and wooden 'wayang klitik' carved in shallow relief. Wayang topeng is performed by people wearing masks (topeng).戏曲 kulit,享有在爪哇的社会生活中的主要地方,是不只是娱乐。演出经常持续从黄昏到黎明著名大朗 (傀儡大师) 可以保持他的听众全神贯注在整个。故事有普遍的吸引力和社会,通常包括美学和道德教学衔接功能。字符诸从摩诃婆罗多,Sumbudra 的丈夫,是特别重要的在这方面,美国虽然不是完美的诸是 ' alu '-的礼貌、 谦逊和精制组合。相反到 'alu 的是' 虐待 '-一种行为的方式是原油,憎恶和显示的恶棍,他当然总是消灭在结束。阅读更多: http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database/?irn=11462#ixzz3tiUSGihe根据创作共用许可: 归因非商业