So here is the news. Actually there are no news. What kind of news can的中文翻譯

So here is the news. Actually there

So here is the news. Actually there are no news. What kind of news can we have now?! There was a restart a while ago. We speed up the system. So that are the only news. We make our best from our side, we hold on online advertising campaign. I expect the same activity from our participants and Managers and everything will be alright. All in all we make our best from our side. So everything depends on participants and Leaders on your activity and initiative. Develop the System, bring the MMM idea to the mass and everything will be better! And there are no more special news at all. We work, develop and do our best! :-)) That is all the news. So, wait for my next video.

P.S. I also believe that the Financial Apocalypse is inevitable! Long Live MMM!

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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
所以这里是消息。其实,没有消息。我们现在能有什么样的新闻?!前一阵子没有重新启动。我们加快系统速度。所以这是唯一的消息。我们把从我们身边,我们坚持网上广告宣传活动。我期望从我们的参与者和经理同样的活动,一切都会好起来。一切的一切,我们使我们最好从我们身边。所以一切都取决的参加者和领导者在你的主动性和能动性。系统的开发,给群众带来 MMM 想法和一切都会好起来!还有没有更多特别的新闻根本。我们的工作、 发展和做到最好!:-)) 这是所有的消息。所以,等待我下一段视频。P.s.我也相信金融的启示是必然!万岁嗯!
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