On the other hand, the Duryudana and the sumitranya who hear the onset of the Pandavas, again agreed to do something against the Pandavas. Karna openly proposed to attack the Pandavas while they are still in a weak position. But He cautioned that they are not mutually hostile against the Pandavas. Seyogyanyalah they do business harmony, because the Pandavas have a right half of Country Astina.Bhishma saw a less good, gelagat gives the discourse towards Kurawa and Karna. "Man who had a constancy, is based on the name of the human good. Kurawa will receive a reward, when the Pandavas are not dead by that deed. Heh man-human officers. Blessed are you guys, due to Her and her children are still alive. World wide humans have yet to know how the subject of stories about Her. People do not know that Purocana is not a sin. Oh young King, sons of Pandu was still alive was not injured by the fire and now it arises again. Enyahkan bad feelings from the bad taste the deepest in your heart "."Mengertilah the Kurawa, for those who I refer to as senapati still fresh in shape, even though the Thunder gods will not be able to usurp the right of the Pandavas, half of the territory of the Astina. Pandava is the brother who get along well and has good, they could be dangerous for you if not given half of the area of the country that became his due. If you guys want to do justice, or you guys are able to do so in order to make you guys happy, give half of the Astina to Pandavas ".Likewise, Drona and Vidura who then connect advice Bhishma, which in essence, counsel to the Kurawa and Karna is the same. But Karna remained staunchly in his attitude. No longer counting attitude of Karna, khirnya among them Dhritarashtra and Vidura commanded in order to pick up Her and her children.Just how excited the people Astina when Pandavas came. Among them Dhritarashtra Prabu Kandawaprasta areas then give it to them. A lot of people understand that Kandawaprasta is a region which is very austere and dangerous. However in the not for long, the Pandavas had already been able to build the area into a city of dilereng hill above instructions Wiyasa. The city was in such beautiful like the Palace of Sang Hyang senses. Then later the territory of residence of the Pandavas called Indraprasta.The God Narada, who came to see the Pandavas reminds, that unity has been built doesn't become corrupted again because one woman became a five person. He asked that when you're in love and fury the residence of one of the Pandava brothers, then the others should not be disturbed. When this rule is violated, then the bully that had to be removed to the jungle for the past twelve years.***Told one day there are thieves who take the treasures of a Brahmin. Informed the incident to the Pandavas and demanded justice. Arjuna agreed to prosecute. But a court there are devices on the building that is currently inhabited by Drupadi.Arjuna Arjuna doubts, how do I help a Brahmin, but later incurred prejudice that he does not want to punish the thief who sinned. But when he entered the building that is inhabited by Drupadi, then he will be wasted into the forest for twelve years. But then he decide, the better I'm wasted into the Woods and die there. The Act of kindness is more sublime than with anything on him. Although the Agency is corrupted though, goodness will not be lost.Arjuna eventually comes to love and fury in the mastery of his brother and said, that he would take equipment to pursue and punish thieves who take the treasures of Brahmins.When the thief was caught later and tried again met Yudhisthira, Arjuna return equipment taken yesterday and asked him to say goodbye to the forest as a Treaty already agreed before the God Narada.Yudhisthira so sad. then he said, "my sister, senapati option. I know the reason you go into hunianku. Already I know that tujuanmu is to punish sinners. The deed was not something a bad deed. Then undo niatanmu to go throw myself into the forest. Conformed to what I said, my sister. Kebaikanmu should not have will definitely not doped, and though you did a mistake terhadapku ".But Arjuna then replied. "I heard himself utter kanda, that people should be careful in carrying out their obligations. I can not get sidetracked from fidelity. Loyalty towards the promise is that I have supernatural powers. Upholding the highest fidelity is the hallmark of the Aryans are easily recognized and appears clearly in the book. Dedicated to the right thing and menyingkiri of the Act that is a lie, that looks real places, of which there are selumrahnya men and women in all classes and degrees. Someone certainly did not want the Aryans spoke up to deny the promise, because Barcelona is considered will embarrass his ancestor ".Arjuna terlumur who don't want to Sin then depart into exile. Sometime while he was doing his puja in the water, he was diringkus by Ulupi. He is a master of water nymph, the daughter of the King of dragons.Diseretnya Arjuna kedasar River, and came in the Palace, so he woke up from semedinya. Where Arjuna knowing where the existence of himself when he saw there was a fire in the Palace. Nevertheless he continued puja semadinya with a sense of calm. Once finished the meditation, Arjuna asks who the woman was. Arjuna also asked why he bothered?Ulupi explained, that he was fascinated by the good looks of Arjuna, and she asked him to Let Them stay with him until the morning.Sekeluarnya Arjuna, Arjuna River continues its journey without destination and sometimes stop by the place-a place of sesuci, until finally he reached the State of Dwaraka. There he met Sumbadra, the young brother of Krishna, were so beautiful. Arjuna was captivated by the beauty of the Sumbadra, until he reveals to Lord Krishna that he was about to mempersunting Sumbadra. Krishna says, for a warrior, he had to steal women who desired to become his wife.Having thought that the time was ripe, Arjuna stealing Sumbadra. Sembadra scream to make a tantrum all the great nations of the Yadavas and the Vrishnis are there in the Palace. They are after pencurinya and try to catch it. But with the alacrity of Sri Kesna soothing pursuing hunting, and suggested that trailed pencurinya only. In fact, he says, that pencurinya are Arjuna, so the solution is enough to make Them brothers. Krishna added, will not be able to find a better husband again for Sumbadra, except Arjuna.All pembesarpun agree with the opinions of Krishna. Then later Arjuna requested lived for some time in Dwaraka.After reaching the time Arjuna Arjuna dihutan, was exiled back to Indraprasta accompanied by Sri Krishna and Balarama. The Yadava Princes of the nation and the Vrishnis bring possessions and livestock for the wedding ceremony of Arjuna and Sumbadra. Marriage Sumbadra and Bhima gave birth to a son named Abhimanyu.Sri Krishna is very dear to her niece Abhimanyu. But the age of Abhimanyu did not long, but on the ride of his life, he abandoned the name fragrant. Abhimanyu was actually the incarnation of Warcas *), son of the God Soma which allowed it to descend into the world but counted only sixteen years of age, to participate in the war in Kurusetra. Batara Soma that time said. "From the holy war that I will return my son mellihat, Warcas".***One day, Sri Krishna and Arjuna went to the forest for hunting. In the forest they both found by the God Agni disguised as Brahmins. Brahmins were appealed to them, so that the Kandawa forests dominated by Sang Hyang senses, burned. Brahmins were explained to Arjuna and Krishna that he received instructions from Lord Brahma in order to ask for help to burn the forest to the person who called The Nara and Narayana, who was born in the world by the name of Arjuna and Krishna. Then she met them both to plead for helpArjuna said, that he did not have fire arrow as asked by the Brahmins to burn forests. He says that he should have a high-speed chariot and weapons to Sri Krishna.Soon the God Agni wants Batara Waruna who was the God of water in order for exposes himself. Agni the God Batara Waruna requested that give great weapon has the bow and arrow which will not be depleted used, trains belonging to the God Soma, and the flag image is characterized by a monkey to Arjuna.To Sri Krishna, given he is such a famous Chakra weapon supremacy, Batara Waruna were giving both through command of Lord Agni.With his weapon that's both made forest fire Kandawa. However, Batara Indra does not stay silent. He shed the rain dense sedemikan until Arjuan then release the bow number very close meet top space like Kandawa forest memayunginya. Fifteen days, the extinct Kandawa forests were burned to the ground. No one sentient or crop left. But there is one man who almost joined in flames. Ashura is one of the named Maya, who then asks for shelter to Arjuna.After already work requested by the God Agni, Indra Sang Hyang-ever appeared. So relieved he saw the ability and courage of her son. Hyang Senses then gives gifts to Arjuna and also of Sri Krishna. Hyang Senses spoke to Arjuna, "I promise you when you've been accepted by the Drive nati, heh child Wizard, will I give all weapons Milky y