24.01.2016So here is the news! As long as everything is going well and的中文翻譯

24.01.2016So here is the news! As l


So here is the news! As long as everything is going well and excellent, thereby no special news will be. In other words everybody get paid and that is the main news! The System develops. Everything is in a regular course of work. No stress and shock, that is why there is no news.

Since we have no special news, I would like to make a brief digression. I have read a while ago that it seems like half of all the financial resources of the Earth is concentrated in the hands of 216 richest families of the world. It means that the rest people – have another part. :-)) And besides, few years ago (just one or two) the situation was like there were not 200, but 1000 of them. So, 1000 families had the half of funds. Already 200 now. So, what does it mean? It means, in general, that the modern financial system is deeply vicious. It means it was made so that all the funds will concentrate by the handful of men with a course of time, and the others work for them. So, this are the facts - whatever anybody says, whatever someone explained, whatever arguments, no matter what arguments were presented! The tendency is such, that everything concentrates in the hands by handful of men, and the others work for them. And that is why I always repeat that the modern World Financial System is unfair! No need to make any super strong arguments, join any discussions. Just look at dynamics. Here it is, all the funds concentrates in the hands of few and all other milliards work for them. And that is the modern World Financial System. So think about it at your leisure and make conclusions! MMM was just made to fight against it. And the fact of that... Successful existence of MMM in a very aggressive habitat... :-)) (Authorities are absolutely far from be pleased with us). And the fact of a successful existence shows, that it is not hopeless and we must fight... :-)) The results will be. We have them already! So, wait for my next video.

P.S. I also believe that the Financial Apocalypse is inevitable. Long Live MMM!
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24.01.2016因此,这里是新闻!美国长我们一切都会很好,很优秀,从而没有特别的消息。换句话说,每个人都得到报酬,这是主要的新闻!系统 wpzoom 的开发。一切都在正常工作过程中。没有压力和冲击,这就是为什么没有消息。Since we have no special news, I would like to make a brief digression. I have read a while ago that it seems like half of all the financial resources of the Earth is concentrated in the hands of 216 richest families of the world. It means that the rest people – have another part. :-)) And besides, few years ago (just one or two) the situation was like there were not 200, but 1000 of them. So, 1000 families had the half of funds. Already 200 now. So, what does it mean? It means, in general, that the modern financial system is deeply vicious. It means it was made so that all the funds will concentrate by the handful of men with a course of time, and the others work for them. So, this are the facts - whatever anybody says, whatever someone explained, whatever arguments, no matter what arguments were presented! The tendency is such, that everything concentrates in the hands by handful of men, and the others work for them. And that is why I always repeat that the modern World Financial System is unfair! No need to make any super strong arguments, join any discussions. Just look at dynamics. Here it is, all the funds concentrates in the hands of few and all other milliards work for them. And that is the modern World Financial System. So think about it at your leisure and make conclusions! MMM was just made to fight against it. And the fact of that... Successful existence of MMM in a very aggressive habitat... :-)) (Authorities are absolutely far from be pleased with us). And the fact of a successful existence shows, that it is not hopeless and we must fight... :-)) The results will be. We have them already! So, wait for my next video.P.s.我也相信,金融的启示是不可避免。万岁嗯!
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