Telah terjadi abnormal case dibagian Finish goods pada jumat tanggal 2的英文翻譯

Telah terjadi abnormal case dibagia

Telah terjadi abnormal case dibagian Finish goods pada jumat tanggal 28/04 yaitu untuk PO N04C0072, dest USA yang di pinjam pihak produksi tanpa seizin dan sepengetahuan pihak FG/WH sesuai dengan peraturan yang sudah di sepakati bersama. Setelah di konfirmasi dengan PC asembling A03 pengambilan sepatu tersebut dilakukan pada saat jam istirahat ( 12:00 – 13:00), Dan hari ini karton kosong yang sepatunya di ambil untuk di gunakan penutupan order N04C0039 dest Canada di ketemukan oleh pak henry converse pada saat audit.
Untuk kedepannya kami pihak FG/WH akan segera mempebaiki sistem penerimaan barang dan penyimpanan barang. Dan di pastikan ruangan akan selalu di kunci baik dari pintu depan atau pintu belakang. Dan untuk kunci dipegang oleh kabag masing masi( Amsori & Mahdi ).
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Abnormal case has occurred in the Finished goods on Friday 28/04 to PO N04C0072, dest USA that in loan production party without the express permission and knowledge of the FG/WH party in accordance with the rules that are already in the shared. After confirmation with the PC A03 asembling retrieval shoes are exercised at the time of the hour break (12:00 – 13:00), and today the empty carton loafer in take to use the closure order N04C0039 dest in Canada found out by Mr. henry converse at the time of the audit.For our future parties FG/WH will soon mempebaiki the system of acceptance of goods and storage of goods. And in the room will always be sure key from either the front door or the back door. And for the key is held by the head of each of the masi (Amsori & Mahdi).
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Abnormal has occurred case section Finish goods on Friday that the date of 28/04 for PO N04C0072, dest USA who borrowed the production without the permission and knowledge of the FG / WH accordance with the rules that have been agreed upon. After confirmation by assembling PC A03 shoe-making is done during break time (12:00 to 13:00), and empty cartons today that his shoes be taken for use order closing N04C0039 dest Canada in found by Mr. Henry converse upon audit.
for the future of our party FG / WH will soon mempebaiki system of receipt of goods and storage of goods. And make sure the room will always be in a good lock on the front door or the back door. And for locks held by the head of the division each of masi (Amsori & Mahdi).
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