REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA-Indonesia-Defeat a coalition stronghold Excellent (KIH) cannot be released from weak abilities their lobbying in Parliament. Puan Maharani who so object of negotiation or lobbying proved unsuccessful.Looking ahead, the crucial issue should be recommended and genting, which led the lobbying Jokowi KIH. Moreover, Jokowi have a good track record of communicating, both as a Solo and lead Jakarta. Lastly, communication skills Jokowi is shown when the President-elect successfully took the leadership of the HOUSE, DPD, and the MPR to sit together in a banquet meal together."It is indeed a Jokowi who led the lobby," said Political Observer from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, with Bakir Hasan in Jakarta, yesterday.According to him, it was supposed to from the start Jokowi moving, building communication, lobby, and intense approach to the red-white Coalition (KMP). Unfortunately, it was not until much later, he held a meeting with the leadership of the Jokowi Parliament.And, during this Jokowi too believe in political party supporters to approach. Like relying on a point of fact, Puan KIH lost the endorsement of the voting ACT MD3, code of conduct of the elections ACT, the Parliament, election of the Chairman of the HOUSE, as well as the last in the election of the Chairman of the MPR."This is a repeat of the failure of the PDI-P in 1999, it was as a winner but failed to lead the party in Parliament. This can occur due to several factors, including its dominating influence of Megawati still or PDI P that are less agile in communication and political lobbying, "he said.Poltracking Research Institute, Arya Budi said, ideally Jokowi was the leader of the coalition. The reason, Jokowi had to intervene in the negotiation process, including in Senayan. That's because during the leadership handed over the lobby, Puan KIH no maximum.Moreover, this time Jokowi had a double duty, first the Moor soliditas coalition party, and the second one strengthens the coalition from 37 percent to 50 percent plus one seat Parliament."But does any of it sesolid not party political entity that is single. PDI-P cannot be separated from the veto Mega structural and cultural leader. But, under the table, there is a Mega berkontestasi in the internal factions of the party such as Puan Jokowi occasionally and is not in line, "said Arya.