Apabila terjadi penghapusan atas transaksi Disputed bukan di Merchant Mayapada maka jurnal pembukuan menggunakan GL Code 1410 : D. KK - CREDIT CARD KOLEKTIF (15-31-61800-111) K. RRA - VISA INTERCHANGE (19-01-99000-117)
Apabila terjadi penghapusan atas transaksi Disputed bukan di Merchant Mayapada maka jurnal pembukuan menggunakan GL Code 1410 :D. KK - CREDIT CARD KOLEKTIF (15-31-61800-111)K. RRA - VISA INTERCHANGE (19-01-99000-117)
In the event of losses on Disputed transactions not in the Merchant without elaborating the bookkeeping journal using GL Code 1410: D. KK - CREDIT CARD FOR COLLECTIVE (15-31-61800-111) K. RRA - VISA Interchange (19-01-99000-117)