Prabu Kalakarna was a giant in the land of King Awangga. Once she dreamed of meeting with the goddess Surtikanti, the daughter of King Shalya in Mandraka. Then dicurinya the daughter of Prabu Kalakarna caregiver by named emban Kidanganti. Goddess Surtikanti was taken to the Awangga and turned over on its King. But not like Surtikanti Goddess was approached by King Kalakarna and in his hand always holds patrem (Kris similar weapons for women).Actually, Kalakarna is not afraid of the guns, but the will of the Princess was not going against King Kalakarna, but will commit suicide if the daughter was touched by it.However, when King Kalakarna arrived at the place of the Princess, he saw Raden Suryaputra. Prabu Kalakarna anger hinggga war sparring. Prabu Kalakarna assassinated Suryaputra. The goddess Surtikanti, escorted back to Mandraka, later diperisteri and Raden Suryaputra. Raden Suryaputra subsequently appointed King at Awangga with the title, Duke of.So the puppet play called Peregrine alapan, meaning to take. And for the role that the dialap was lost daughter stolen or lost leaving his country but can then be retrieved by a man and diperisteri by the male. There is also the only mate with ordinary people, but also called the play black-alapan.According to the story, the country Awangga it housed, in the village. named Awangga also, dibilangan region figure Ceper, Klaten. The confidence of the population in the village, the village of Awangga was the former country Awangga at the time of Purwa, with proof, in that place there is inheritance of a keris owned Karna named Kyai Starlings, and so Lord locals. Kris it sacred water, up to 1 time Kris Kyai Starlings can be used to menyumpah people and is considered efficacious. Wangga village (Awangga) so an independent village, dominated by a servant of the Palace Merdikan rank of Solos. The people of the village can be the term Raden by itself according to the custom.