“Pretty (cantik),” tulis pria asal AS tersebut di komentarnya sebagaim的英文翻譯

“Pretty (cantik),” tulis pria asal

“Pretty (cantik),” tulis pria asal AS tersebut di komentarnya sebagaimana diutip DetikNews.

Ada sekitar 2 ribu foto yang diupload oleh Mujiasih di facebook. Sebagian besar didominasi oleh foto-fotonya di Hong Kong. Ada yang berpose sendiri dengan hanya mengenakan celana pendek, ada juga yang diambil di pantai, namun yang cukup menarik perhatian orang-orang asing adalah foto saat dia menjulurkan lidah dengan teman wanita.

“Sexy.. wow,” tulis seorang pria bernama Charles menanggapi foto tersebut. Beberapa momen Mujiasih saat makan bersama dengan pria kulit putih juga dipajang. Ada juga foto Mujiasih dan kekasihnya pada tahun 2013.

Selain foto di Hong Kong, ada juga beberapa foto saat Mujiasih pulang kampung ke Sulawesi Tenggara. Saat di rumah, dia mengenakan baju serba tertutup.

Mujiasih tercatat di KJRI Hong Kong dengan nama lengkap Seneng Mujiasih. Wanita berumur 30 tahun itu berasal dari Muna, Sulawesi Tenggara. Saat ini, dia tercatat tak memiliki izin kerja di Hong Kong. Pihak KJRI menyebutnya sebagai TKI overstayer.
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
"Pretty (beautiful)," wrote the American guy in his comments as diutip DetikNews.There are about two thousand photos were uploaded by Mujiasih in facebook. Most of the pictures are dominated by Hong Kong 's. There were that pose themselves with wearing only shorts, there were also taken at the beach, but Interestingly enough attention of strangers is a photo as he sticks his tongue with a woman friend."Sexy ... ... wow, "wrote a man named Charles responded to the photo. Some Mujiasih moment when packed together with a white man also were displayed. There are also pictures of Mujiasih and his girlfriend in 2013.In addition to Hong Kong's image, there are also some photos when Mujiasih home village to the South East Sulawesi. When at home, she wears a dress uniform is covered.Mujiasih was recorded in the CONSULATE GENERAL of Hong Kong with full name Seneng Mujiasih. The woman was 30 years old that stemmed from Southeast Sulawesi, Muna. This time, he recorded does not have permission to work in Hong Kong. The CONSULATE GENERAL called it a TKI overstayer.
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