At the other side, tulle synthetic is sold more at fabric stores or convection equipments for its clothes or accessory needs, like bag, shoes, handycraft and so on. In Bandung, those stores are available at along Jalan Otista and Tamim. Tulle is usually sold Rp. 3500 to Rp 15.000 per meter, depends on its softness level, type of fiber and elasticity. Tulle used for clothes is having a quite rapid development in Indonesia, eventhough it is still rarely worn as daily wears, but tulle is used a lot for wedding gown, ballerina skirt, night gowns and accessories like scarf, hat and hair accessories, as well as decoration. Some of Indonesia’s well-known designers have used tulle in their designs, such as Sebastian Gunawan, Didi Budiharjo, Oscar Lawalata, Biyan and so on. The designs vary from wedding gown, kebaya, night gown, skirt and kinds of accessory. Nevertheless, they are still do not optimally processed the fabric, and merely take the color. Usually tulle is made as a stack of layers or wrinkled. While actually, with kinds of fabric technique process, texture, color and shape of tulle can be maximized.