So here is the news. Generally speaking everything is going perfect in Indonesia! The rates are high and now we have advertising already. So, everything is going well! Of course we shouldn't slow down the rates. Don't relax. Participants and the leaders must be more active. I'm telling that every time in my videos. And so I do it once again.:-)) Otherwise everything is just fine! The amount of registrations is going up. Al in all everything is good. And when everything is good, as i've said before, so we have no news. Everything is going its own way, going up. So everything is well! That is why my appeal to you today is not so long, because there is nothing to tell you generally. Everything in working status, life is boiling, and we make efforts. We are waiting the same action from our Leaders and participants. Neither they are still active, nor they can be more active!
P.S. I also believe that the Financial Apocalypse is inevitable. Long Live MMM!