JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Presiden terpilih Joko Widodo (Jokowi) masih menyeleksi calon menteri untuk kabinetnya mendatang secara tertutup. Bagaimana proses seleksi tersebut?
Deputi Tim Transisi Eko Sandjojo menjelaskan, awalnya, Tim Transisi memberikan berbagai kriteria kepada Jokowi. Kriteria yang terpenting, kata dia, menteri tersebut harus berintegritas dan mempunyai kemampuan di bidangnya masing-masing.
"Kriterianya sudah kita kasih dari kemarin," kata Eko saat dihubungi Kompas.com, Senin (13/10/2014) siang.
Kemudian, proses selanjutnya ada di tangan Jokowi bersama wakilnya, Jusuf Kalla. Jokowi mencari nama yang sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah diberikan. Jokowi akan memeriksa rekam jejak mereka dari curriculum vitae terlebih dahulu.
"Setelah itu, lanjut wawancara," ujarnya.
Nama-nama yang lolos hingga proses wawancara, kata Eko, akan diserahkan ke Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi dan Pusat Pelaporan Analisis dan Transaksi Keuangan untuk mengetahui integritasnya.
"Dipastikan, saat diumumkan nanti, tidak ada menteri yang track record-nya jelek," pungkas Eko.
Jokowi hingga saat ini belum mengumumkan susunan kabinetnya. Jokowi baru menyampaikan bahwa kabinetnya akan berisi 33 kementerian, termasuk empat kementerian koordinator. Sebanyak 15 menteri di antaranya akan diberikan kepada parpol pendukung Jokowi-JK.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — President-elect Joko Widodo (Jokowi) still select their candidates for the upcoming Cabinet Ministers to be covered. How is the selection process?Deputy Team Transition Eko Sandjojo explains, first, the transition Team provides a wide range of criteria to Jokowi. The most important criteria, he said, the Minister must have ability and integrity in their fields each."Kriterianya we already love from yesterday," said Eko when contacted by the Kompas.com on Monday (13/10/2014) afternoon.Then, the next process is in the hands of Jokowi along with his Deputy, Jusuf Kalla. Jokowi looking for a name that fits the criteria that have been given. Jokowi will check the track record of their curriculum vitae in advance."After that, continued the interview," he said.Names that qualify through the interview process, said Eko, will be handed to the corruption eradication Commission and the Center for Financial analysis and Reporting the transaction to know the integrity constraint."Certainly, when it was announced later, none of the Ministers that his track record is ugly," said Eko.Jokowi up to this point has not yet announced the composition of his Cabinet. New Jokowi says that his cabinet will contain 33 ministries, including four Ministry coordinator. As many as 15 Ministers of which will be given to party supporters Jokowi-JK.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - President-elect Joko Widodo (Jokowi) still selecting candidates for the next cabinet minister to be closed. How is the selection process? Deputy Transition Team Eko Sandjojo explain, first, the Transition Team providing a variety of criteria to Jokowi. The most important criteria, he said, the minister should have the integrity and ability in their respective fields. "criteria already we love from yesterday," Eko said when contacted Kompas.com, Monday (10/13/2014) afternoon. Later, the The next is in the hands Jokowi with his deputy, Jusuf Kalla. Jokowi looking for names that match the criteria given. Jokowi will check their track record of curriculum vitae in advance. "After that, further interviews," he said. names to qualify the interview process, said Eko, will be submitted to the Anti-Corruption Commission and the Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis to determine the integrity . "Certainly, when announced later, no minister that his track record is ugly," said Eko. Jokowi until now has not announced the composition of his cabinet. Jokowi said that the new cabinet will include 33 ministries, including four ministries coordinator. A total of 15 ministers of which will be given to political party supporters Jokowi-JK.