AFE yang pengajuannya dilakukan bersamaan dengan pengajuan WP&B (AFE Singleyear Main Project, dan AFE Singleyears Certain Other Project ≥ US$500,000) dapat diajukan secara terpisah dikarenakan beberapa kondisi sebagai berikut:
AFE is done concurrently with the filing of pengajuannya WP & B (AFE Singleyear Main Project, and AFE Singleyears Certain Other Project ≥ $ 500,000 USD) can be filed separately because some conditions are as follows:
AFE is the submission made in conjunction with the filing of WP & B (AFE Singleyear Main Project, and AFE Singleyears Certain Other Project ≥ U.S. $ 500,000) may be filed separately due to several conditions as follows: