Satu minggu lagi pindah ke taipei mending tinggal di desa dari Pada di kota Besar krja nya capek,kerjanya mulai Gk tentu pindah2 trs Sementara si papih mau kesini lah,,,,aku nya Malah pergi jauh Kasian kamu pih pas dtng aku nya Gk ada di changhua
Another week of moving to taipei mending lived in the village from the big city on her tired krja, his work began to Gk certainly pindah2 trs While the papih want here lah,,,, I'm him In fact go far Kasian ye pih pas dtng I his Gk ada in changhua
One more week moved to taipei mending lives in the village of At Large city krja in his tired, work began Gk certainly pindah2 trs While the papih ,,,, I want to come here was his fact go far Kasian you PIH fit her Gk dtng I was Changhua