3.7.lif kebakaran.suatu sarana transportasi dalam bangunan gedung, yang mengangkut petugas kebakaran didalam kereta lif, yang bergerak naik-turun secara vertikal dan memenuhi persyaratanpenyelamatan yang berlaku.3.8.saf.dinding atau bagian bangunan yang membatasi :a). sumur yang bukan merupakan sumur/lorong atrium, ataub). luncuran vertikal, saluran atau jalur sejenis, tetapi bukan cerobong/cerobong asap.3.9.springkler.alat pemancar air untuk pemadaman kebakaran yang mempunyai tudung berbentukdeflektor pada ujung mulut pancarnya, sehingga air dapat memancar kesemua arah secaramerata.3.10.tangga kebakaran yang dilindungi.tangga yang dilindungi oleh saf tahan api dan termasuk didalamnya lantai dan atap atauujung atas struktur penutup.3.11.tangga kebakaran.tangga yang direncanakan khusus untuk penyelamatan bila terjadi kebakaran.4. Jalan lingkungan.4.1*. Umum.Untuk melakukan proteksi terhadap meluasnya kebakaran dan memudahkan operasipemadaman, maka di dalam lingkungan bangunan harus tersedia jalan lingkungan.4.2. Jalur akses masuk dan lapisan perkerasan.4.2.1*. Di setiap bagian dari bangunan hunian dimana ketinggian lantai hunian tertinggidiukur dari rata-rata tanah tidak melebihi 10 m, maka tidak dipersyaratkan adanya lap[isanperkerasan kecuali diperlukan area operasional dengan lebar 4 m sepanjang sisi bangunantempat bukaan akses diletakkan, asal ruang operasional tersebut dapat dicapai pada jarakmaximum 45 m from the entrance a fire engine.4.2.2. in every part of the building (in addition to building a class 1, 2 and 3), roughnessmust be placed in such a way as to be able to directly reach the fire access openingsthe fire at the building. The roughness should be able to accommodate the entranceand maneuver the car fire, snorkel, cars, and cars pump ladders and hydraulic platforms,and has the following specs:SNI 03-1735-20003 of 45The volume of the building No. Description1 7,100 m < 3 Minimum61the circumference of the page.2 > 7,100 m 3. Minimum61the circumference of the building.3 > 28,000 m 3. At least ¼ round the building.> 56,800 4 m 3. A minimum of ½ round the building.> 85,200 5 m 3. At least ¾ round the building.> 113,600 6 m 3. Should be around the building.the minimum width a). 6 m roughness layer and minimum length 15 m other parts.from the entrance which is used for passing a car fire extinguisher, the widthshould not be less than 4 m.b) roughness layer should be placed so that the edge nearest the should not be lessfrom 2 m or more than 10 m from the center position of firefighter access openingsmeasured horizontally.c) *. roughness layer must be made of reinforced layer in order to support thethe burden of fire equipment. The terms roughness to servebuilding height exceeding 24 m huniannya floors should be constructed forwithstand a static load of fire engine weighing 44 tons with the load platefeet (jack).d) *. roughness layer should be made as flat as possible with the slope should not exceedfrom 1:15, while the slope of the line for entering the maximum 1:8.5.e) *. layers of roughness of the access point may not exceed 46 m and when exceeding 46 mshould be given facilities turn.f) *. outermost radius of the turn on the incoming lines should not be less darui 10.5 m and must bemeet the requirements.g). high free space above the layer roughness or driveways, car fire,a minimum of 5 m to be able to pass the firefighting equipment.h). public roads may be used as a layer of roughness provided the location of the roadin accordance with the terms of the distance from the fire department access openings.I) layers of roughness should always be in a State free of obstacles of the other partbuildings, trees, plants or other, and should not inhibit a pathwaybetween the roughness with firefighter access openings.