Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi dan tuntutan bisnis IME, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia terus berupaya untuk melebarkan bisnisnya melalui produk-produk inovatif yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan.
UseeTV memberikan pengalaman baru bagi pasar Indonesia untuk menikmati hiburan melalui Internet. Layanan multimedia untuk keluarga Indonesia dengan variasi konten dan genre seperti drama, actions, Hollywood blockbuster, konten lokal, konten anak, drama celestial, komedi dan Bollywood. Bebas mengudara baik TV dan Radio yang tersedia di konten kami, dimana pelanggan kita dapat bebas memilih pilihannya
Along with the development of technology and business demands of the IME, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia has continued to expand its business through striving for innovative products tailored to customer needs.
UseeTV provide new experience for the Indonesia market to enjoy entertainment via the Internet. Multimedia services to Indonesia with family variation of content and genres such as drama, actions, Hollywood blockbusters, local content, children's content, drama and comedy, Bollywood celestial. Good airs-free TV and Radio are available in our content, where customers can freely choose the options

Along with the development of technology and business demands IME, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia continually strive to expand its business through innovative products tailored to customer needs. UseeTV provide a new experience for the Indonesian market to enjoy entertainment via the Internet. Multimedia services for Indonesian families with a variety of content and genres such as drama, actions, Hollywood blockbusters, local content, content child, celestial drama, comedy and Bollywood. Both free to air TV and radio are available in our content, where our customers can freely choose his choice