Dari data tsb dibawah , antara berat aktual timbang dan PPL , tdk beda jauh . Artinya masih dalam koridor +- 2 %.
Untuk lebih spesifik , pihak produksi , finishing , Shipment , dan Ware house , bisa jelasin lebih lanjut.
From below, the tsb data between the actual weight and PPL, tdk weigh much different from. That is still in the corridors of +-2%. To be more specific, the production, finishing, Shipment, and Ware house, could jelasin further.

From the data fell under, between the actual weight scales and PPL, ill much different. That is still in the corridor + - 2%.
To be more specific, the production, finishing, Shipment, and Ware house, can tell more further.