Apabila menurut Pasal 33 UUD 1945 koperasi mulai membangun dari bawah, melaksanakan dahulu yang kecil, yang rapat pertaliannya dengan keperluan hidup rakyat sehari-sehari, dan kemudian berangsur- angsur meningkat ke atas, pemerintah membangun dari atas, melaksanakan yang besar-besar seperti membangun tenaga listri, persediaan ari miunm, menggali saluran pengairan, membuat jalan-jalan perhubungan guna lancarnya jalan ekonomi, menyelenggarakan berbagai macam produksi yang menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak.
If according to Article 33 of the CONSTITUTION of 1945 of the cooperative began to build from the ground, executing the first small, dense connection with people's daily life necessities a day, and then fade-angsur rise to the top, the Government is building from above, carry out a large-as large as building electricity power supplies, ari miunm, dig irrigation channels, making the streets of transportation in order to lancarnya the street economy, organizes a wide range of production that ruled his life.

If according to Article 33 UUD 1945 the cooperative started to build from the ground, carrying out first a small, tightly allied to the needs of the people living day-to-day, and then gradually rising to the top, government building from the top, carries the big ones such as building power electricity, miunm ari supply, irrigation canals, making roads nexus to accelerate the economy, organizes a wide range of products which control the lives of many people.