Kesibukan sehari-hari panda masyarakat modern menyebabkan kesulitan bagi mereka untuk memperhatikan kesehatan tubuh,yang mana membutuhkan waktu.Karenanya,SBI memberikan solusi kesehatan dan penampilan bagi kaum urban.
Jele Beautie memberikan solusi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin A,C,dan serat harian tubuh dengan kemasan praktis dan dapat dikonsumsi dimana saja dan kapan saja.
SBI mengajak masyarakat urban untuk menjalani hidup sehat yang efisien/kami yakin,dengan menjalani hidup yang sehat,penampilan seseorang pun akan jadi lebih optimal.
The everyday bustle of modern society panda cause difficulties for them to pay attention to the health of the body, which takes time. As a result, SBI provides a solution for health and appearance for the urban.Jele Beautie provides solutions to meet the needs of vitamins A, C, and the daily fiber body with a practical packaging and can be consumed anywhere and anytime.SBI urge people to live a healthy life urban efficient/we believe, by living a healthy appearance, someone else will be more optimal.

Avocation panda modern society cause difficulty for them to pay attention to the health of the body, which requires waktu.Karenanya, SBI provides solutions for the health and appearance of the urban.
Jele Beautie provide solutions to meet the needs of vitamin A, C, and daily fiber body with practical packaging and can be consumed anywhere and anytime.
SBI invites people to live a healthier life urban efficient / we believe, to live a healthy life, one's appearance will be more optimal.