Sayang Susmi-Hanik (Mei Mei),
T dan saya terima kasih banyak untuk usaha yang sangat baik Anda untuk layanan kami selama Anda tinggal di keluarga kami dalam empat tahun. Bagaimana bijaksana dari Anda untuk mengambil nenek perawatan, selalu membuat rumah rapi, memasak, apalagi, Anda mengurus putri kami - Lena sangat baik ketika ia dilahirkan.
Anda memberi kami kesan yang sangat baik seperti selalu bekerja dari fajar sampai senja tanpa mengeluh, peduli kepribadian, kemauan untuk belajar, dan kesabaran.
Meskipun surat ini hanya menyampaikan terima kasih kami kepada Anda, tetapi jika Anda dipekerjakan oleh majikan lain di masa mendatang, harap surat ini bisa membuat mereka mengerti bahwa Anda adalah karyawan yang baik dan teliti.
Berharap bahwa kita bisa bertemu lagi di dekat lebih lanjut.
Kami terima kasih banyak, terima kasih nyaman tinggal di keluarga kami lagi, sangat merindukanmu.
Dear Susmi-Hanik (Mei Mei), T and I thank you very much for Your excellent efforts for our service during your stay in our family in four years. How thoughtful of you to take care of Grandma, always make a neat House, cooking, let alone, you take care of our daughter-Lena is very good when he was born.You gave us such excellent impressions always worked from dawn to dusk without complaining, caring personality, willingness to learn, and patience.Although this letter only convey our thanks to you, but if you're employed by any other employer in the future, hope this letter might make them understand that you are a good and conscientious employees.Hope that we can meet again in the near further.We thank you very much, thank you for a pleasant stay in our family again, Miss you so much.
Dear Susmi-Hanik (Mei Mei),
T and I thank you very much for your very good effort for our service during your stay in our family for four years. How thoughtful of you to take grandma care, always make home tidy, cooking, moreover, you take care of our daughter - Lena very well when he was born.
You gave us a very good impression as always working from dawn to dusk without complaining, caring personality, willingness to learn, and patience.
Although this letter is only to express our thanks to you, but if you are employed by another employer in the future, hope that this letter can make them understand that you are a good employee and thorough.
hope that we can meet again in the near further.
We thank you very much, thank you a pleasant stay in our family again, very missed.