Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini, MUTIAH, S.H., M.Kn (Sarjana Hukum Magister Kenotariatan), Notaris di Maros, menerangkan bahwa saya telah menjelaskan isi dan maksud surat tersebut di atas kepada Para Pihak tersebut di atas, setelah Para Pihak Mengerti dan Menyetujui, kemudian mereka (Para Pihak dan Saksi) membubuhkan tanda tangan/cap jempol kirinya (sebagai tanda persetujuannya), dihadapan saya, Notaris.--------
I signed below, MUTIAH, S.H., M.Kn (Bachelor of laws and master of Laws), Notary in Maros, explained that I have explained the content and meaning of the above letter to the parties mentioned above, after the parties Understand and agree, then they (the parties and witnesses) affix thumbprint signature/left (as a sign of his approval), before me, a notary public.--------

I the undersigned, Mutiah, SH, M.Kn (Bachelor of Law Master of Notary), Notary in Maros, explained that I had to explain the content and intent of the letter above to the Parties to the above, after the Parties Understand and Approve , then they (the Parties and Witnesses) affixing signatures / thumb imprints left (as a sign of approval), before me, a Notary .--------