Based on interview result with Nuniek Mawardi, a fashion designer with the label of Nuniek Mawardi, Nuniek Rosa and Beau, as well as members of APPMI-Asosiasi Perancang dan Pengusaha Mode Indonesia (Indonesian Fashion Designers and Entrepreneurs Association) and IPBM-Ikatan Perancang Busana Muslim (Moslem Fashion Designers Association). According to David Landart, a world development watch from France predicts that fashion in Indonesia, ethnic themes will always and should always be appeared. Ethnic with local content that typically Indonesia, which make it different with those from Japan, China, Pakistan or India which have strong characteristics as well. For instance, APPMI always suggests and directs its members to always use and process products and cultures of Indonesia, like in ethnical fashion show. This research will use qualitative research methods with eksperimentatif approach. The experimental process will be applied to the primary material whics is: tulle, Pekalongan’s Batik and also the merger between the two materials.