Jakarta -Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla (JK) menggelar rapat dengan bebera的英文翻譯

Jakarta -Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla

Jakarta -Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla (JK) menggelar rapat dengan beberapa menteri dan direksi BUMN untuk membahas proyek pembangunan pembangkit listrik. Proyek listrik dibahas khususnya yang ditangani oleh PT PLN (Persero) terutama yang sedang bermasalah.

Hadir dalam rapat Kepala Staf Kepresidenan Luhut Panjaitan, Menko Perekonomian Sofyan Djalil, Menko Maritim Indroyono Soesilo, Menteri Kehutanan dan Lingkungan Hidup Siti Nurbaya, Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang Ferry Mursyidan Baldan dan Direktur Utama PLN Sofyan Basir.

Rapat yang berlangsung selama kurang lebih 3 jam tersebut membahas beberapa proyek listrik yang terkendala persoalan serius, yakni PLTU Muara Jawa (Kalimantan Timur), Pembangkit Listrik Panas Bumi (PLTP) Gunung Salak (Halimun), PLTP Darajat (Garut).

"Pak Sofyan Basir melaporkan perkembangan yang ada. Kemudian, sampai sekarang ini on track. Tetapi kemudian ada hambatan yang sangat spesifik. Misalnya, ada masalah sengketa lahan di panas bumi," ungkap Sofyan Djalil di Kantor Wakil Presiden, Jakarta, Selasa (14/7/2015)

Hasil rapat memutuskan persoalan ini harus segera diselesaikan oleh Kementerian Kehutanan dan Lingkungan Hidup (KLH). Alasannya karena persoalan tersebut muncul karena perluasan lahan kehutanan.

"Nah itu disuruh diselesaikan menteri lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan supaya sengketa itu diselesaikan," terang Sofyan.

Sedangkan untuk PLTU Muara Jawa juga mengalami persoalan lahan. Namun diketahui persoalannya sangat rumit, sebab melibatkan aparat TNI setempat. Sehingga langsung ditangani oleh Wapres JK.

"Masalah lain misalnya hambatan proyek yang sedang berjalan berhenti karena sengketa lahan di Muara Jawa di Kaltim. Tadi pak Wapres langsung menghubungi Kapolda dan Pangdam dis ana untuk melihat masalah tersebut. Mereka sepakat bahwa menyelesaikan dalam tempo 1 minggu akan mendapatkan laporan," paparnya
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Jakarta-Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK) staged a meeting with some Ministers and directors of STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES to discuss power development projects. Electrical project discussed specifically handled by PT PLN (Persero) especially that are problematic.Present in the meeting of Chiefs of staff of the Presidency, Luhut Panjaitan, Coordinating Minister for the economy of Sofyan Djalil, Coordinating Maritime Indroyono himself Soesilo, forest and Environment Minister Siti Nurbaya Life, Minister of Agrarian and Ferry Mursyidan Baldan Spatial and President Director Sofyan Basir PLN.The meeting, which lasted for approximately 3 hours to discuss some issues of an electrical project seriously, i.e. PLTU Muara Jawa (East Kalimantan), Geothermal power plants (PLTP) Mount Salak (light rain), PLTP Darajat (Arrowroot)."Mr. Sofyan Basir reported on developments there. Then, till now is on track. But then there's a very specific barriers. For example, there is the problem of land disputes in the heat of the Earth, "said Sofyan Djalil in Office of Vice President, Jakarta, Monday (14/7/2015)The results of the meeting decided the matter should be resolved by the Ministry of forestry and the environment (MOE). The reason is because the issue arises because of the expansion of forestry land."Well that's told to settled Minister of environment and forests so that the dispute was resolved," bright Sofyan.As for PLTU Muara Jawa also experience the issue of land. But note the issue is very complicated, because it involves the local INDONESIAN authorities. So it is directly handled by the Vice President of JK."Other issues such as barriers to running projects stopped because of the dispute of land at the mouth of Java in Kaltim. Earlier pak Vp contact Kapolda and Commander dis ana to see the problem. They agreed that resolving within 1 week will get a report, "he explained
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Jakarta -vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK) held a meeting with several ministers and directors of state to discuss the construction of the power plant project. Electric projects discussed in particular are handled by PT PLN (Persero) especially troubled. Present at the meeting Luhut Panjaitan Presidential Chief of Staff, Minister for Economic Affairs Djalil, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Indroyono Susilo, Minister of Forestry and Environment Siti Nurbaya, Minister of Agricultural and Spatial Ferry Mursyidan Baldan and CEO of PLN Sofyan Basir. The meeting, which lasted for approximately three hours discussed several electricity projects constrained serious problems, namely the Muara Jawa Power Plant (East Kalimantan), Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) Mount Salak (Mist), geothermal power plants Darajat (Garut). "Mr. Sofyan Basir reported developments. Then, to this day on the track. But then there are very specific constraints. For example, there is a problem of land disputes in the heat of the earth," said Djalil at the Office of the Vice President, Jakarta , Tuesday (14/07/2015) The meeting decided the issue should be resolved by the Ministry of Forestry and the Environment (MOE). The reason for these problems arise because of the expansion of forestry land. "So he sent resolved minister of environment and forestry so that the dispute was resolved," said Sofyan. As for the power plant is also experiencing problems Muara Jawa land. However it is known the problem is very complicated, because it involves the local military authorities. Thus directly handled by the Vice President JK. "Another problem, for example obstacles ongoing projects stopped because of land disputes in Muara Jawa in East Kalimantan. Earlier pack Vice President immediately contacted the police chief and military commander of dis ana to look at the issue. They agreed that resolve within one week will get reports, "he said

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