In Brazil, it is estimated that about 3.5 million people are directly or indirectly involved in fisheries and aquaculture. In 2017, total capture fisheries production was estimated at 704100 tonnes. Given the abundance of rich freshwater bodies, more than 30 percent of capture fisheries production come from inland fisheries. The majority (more than 60 percent) of the total fish landings originate from artisanal fisheries, which represent more than 90 percent of the employment in the capture sector. These proportions are higher if only the inland fisheries are considered. In 2017, the latest estimates included a total of 1083778 full-time fishers, 64 percent of them in marine waters were reported. Artisanal fisheries production dominates in the northern regions while industrial fisheries are more important in the southern region. Half of the fishers were reported to be women.<br><br>Several coastal fishery resources are fully exploited or over-exploited, generally by industrial fishing. Although some inland fish stocks are also overexploited, it is still possible to increase capture fisheries production from inland waters, given appropriate management plans. In 2017, the fishing fleet was estimated at 108346 vessels, with the large majority under 12 meters in length and about one third without motor. <br><br>Aquaculture offers the largest potential to increase fish supplies in the long-term. Brazil, the second largest aquaculture producer in the region, rose from 172500 tonnes produced in 2000 to about 595000 tonnes in 2017, with 86 percent of total aquaculture production from freshwater aquaculture (tilapia, carps and some indigenous Amazonian fish species) and 14 percent from mariculture, dominated by whiteleg shrimp. The contribution of aquaculture in total fish production in 2017 was 46 percent. There is no information available regarding the number of people engaged in the aquaculture.<br><br> <br><br>Brazil is the largest importer of fish in the Latin American region importing worth for USD 1.4 billion in 2017, while the export in the same year was at USD 253 million. Annual per caput consumption, which has been substantially increasing in recent years through massive promotion campaigns, was estimated at about 9.0 kg in 2017.