Bab ini membahas tentang analisis hidrologi dan semua aspek lain yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan hidrologi. Adapun lingkup pekerjaan hidrologi dalam studi ini adalah :
1. pengumpulan data,
2. analisis curah hujan,
3. pengukuran debit sesaat di Sungai Kali Urang,
4. analisis debit andalan,
5. analisis banjir,
6. pengukuran debit,
7. kualitas air dan analisis sedimentasi.
This chapter discusses the hydrology analysis and all other aspects relating to the work of hydrology. As for the scope of work of hydrology in this study are:
1. data collection,
2. analysis of rainfall,
3. measurement of the instantaneous discharge in the river Kali Urang,
4. analysis of discharge mainstay,
5. analysis of flood,
6. measurement of discharge,
7. water quality and sedimentation analysis.

This chapter discusses the hydrologic analysis and all other aspects related to the hydrology work. The scope of work hydrology in this study are:
1. data collection,
2. precipitation analysis,
3. instantaneous discharge measurements in Urang Kali River,
4. mainstay discharge analysis,
5. flood analysis,
6. discharge measurements,
7. water quality and sedimentation analysis.