CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS OF HYDROLOGY Hydrological Analysis IV.1 The purpose of the analysis is to estimate the hydrological discharge mainstay or the availability of water in the river and flood discharge in river Urang. Regional studies that are reviewed include Pagerpelah stream at locations that fall within the Watershed (DAS) Urang. Urang watershed located in the mountains of the central part of Central Java in the west of Dieng Plateau. Overall Urang watershed are in Banjarnegara district, Central Java Province. Urang River headwaters in Mount Slamet (± 1,849 m) and Body tembang (± 2,174 m) flowing north-south direction. Children are Urang main river Kali Swamp / Sasak, Cantiah River and River Telatasuren. Downstream of the study area, the river joins the River Merawu Urang the downstream join Serayu River. The river then enters the Reservoir Dam Mrica (PB Sudirman), and finally empties into the Indonesian Ocean in Turtle bay, near the town of Cilacap. Urang River watershed upstream covered by forests, while the downstream portion is plantation, dry land, and paddy fields. Many hamlets / villages located along the river Urang. Locations job is ± 23 km from the city Banjarnegara north through the District Rural Pagerpelah Banjarmangu toward the District Karangkobar. Pagerpelah micro power source of water comes from the river Urang, this location is located in the River Urang approximately three (3) miles from the confluence of the River Urang and Merawu, located near Urang River bridge on the highway that connects the districts and sub-districts Karangkobar Banjarmangu. Administratively, the area is included in Banjarnegara district, Central Java Province. watershed Urang micro power Pagerpelah site has an area of 50.79 km2, altitude at this location is ± 800 m above sea level. The length of the main river from upstream to the study area of approximately 13.35 miles. Urang watershed topography is mountainous and hilly with a large enough slope. regional hydrological studies have characteristics which are characterized by a dry season that lasts from May to September and the rainy season which lasts from October to April. The peak of the rainy season occurs in the months from January to December, while the dry season in August. Urang watershed conditions are not too good because the upper reaches of the River Urang covered only a small part of the forest.