Ridho was 30ru the House of Pak Sastro, hear the sound of a baby crying. When he came out to see, she was shocked to see a pair of twins in the vestibule. With the power of God, tangisa babies that restores memory Green. Ridho said "Inikan the kids I." He recognized his son.
Ternayata, this is all todo Oma. Oma brings it into the home, and nephew Pak Sastro. Oma else appear before Ridho. Ridho thanking omanya because it restores his memory through anak2nya. Oma and Ridho and then heading off to the airport. Pure and family Ridho was blubbering because his son was missing, Pure smile when his twin children to hear the present Green with his memory now cry crybaby grieving.
end of this soap opera is not included of pure, now big brother wedding Ridho marsupial Alisha & & Kanaya Ega, Dirga. They gathered could ngak Pure again.