PT. LINTAS TIMUR SAMUDERAPer sector, as mentioned below, the calculati的中文翻譯



Per sector, as mentioned below, the calculations detailed in Appendix 2.

master projected costs per 1000 units
building area 70 m2 land area 300 m2

A. the cost of construction of houses
I. land acquisition 103.800.000.000 (Rp)
II. planning 17.700.000.000 (Rp)
III. licensing 25.500.000.000 (Rp)
IV. preparatory work 36.300.000.000 (Rp)
V. road work and the environment (Rp)
VI. duct work (Rp)
VII. home construction work 487.000.000.000 (Rp)
VIII. supervisory work (Rp)
IX. work supporting means (Rp)
X. solving the letter (certified and IMB) 17.500.000.000 (Rp)
sub – total (A) 815.125.000.000 (Rp)

B. office operational costs
I. office inventory (Rp)
II. office operating costs 504.000.000 (Rp)
III. employee salary 7.920.000.000 (Rp)
IV. Cash and others 690.000.000 (Rp)
sub – total (B) 34.875.000.000 (Rp)
TOTAL (A+B) 850.000.000.000 (Rp)
Spelled: eight hundred and fifty billion rupiah

a.2. Total projected cost
total projected cost of the development of the sector 1-X is as follows:

1. Sector I 1000 (the number of housing units) 850.000.000.000 (Rp)
2. Sector II 1000 (the number of housing units) 850.000.000.000 (Rp)
3. Sector III 1000 (the number of housing units) 850.000.000.000 (Rp)
4. Sector IV 1000 (the number of housing units) 850.000.000.000 (Rp)
5. Sector V 1000 (the number of housing units) 850.000.000.000 (Rp)
6. Sector VI 1000 (the number of housing units) 850.000.000.000 (Rp)
7. Sector VII 1000 (the number of housing units) 850.000.000.000 (Rp)
8. Sector VIII 1000 (the number of housing units) 850.000.000.000 (Rp)
9. Sector IX 1000 (the number of housing units) 850.000.000.000 (Rp)
10. Sector X 1000 (the number of housing units) 850.000.000.000 (Rp)
spelled: eight trillion five hundred billion rupiah
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
磅跨东海每个部门,在下述附录 2 中详细的计算。大师预计每 1000 个单位的费用"苏里亚 NUSANTARA"建筑面积 70 m2 土地总面积 300 m2A.房屋建设成本一、 土地收购 103,800,000,000 (Rp)二.规划 17,700,000,000 (Rp)三、 发牌 25,500,000,000 (Rp)四.筹备工作 36,300,000,000 (Rp)五、 道路工程和环境 66,000,000,000 (Rp)六.管工作 13,250,000,000 (Rp)七.家园建设工作 487,000,000,000 (Rp)八.监督工作 25,000,000,000 (Rp)九、 工作支持手段 23,075,000,000 (Rp)十、 解决信 (认证和 IMB) 17,500,000,000 (Rp)分 — — 总 (A) 815,125,000,000 (Rp)B.办公室业务费用I.办事处库存 21,225,000,000 (Rp)二.办事处经营成本 504,000,000 (Rp)三、 员工工资 7,920,000,000 (Rp)四.现金和其他 690,000,000 (Rp)子 — — 总 (B) 34,875,000,000 (Rp)总额 (A + B) 850,000,000,000 (Rp)拼写: 8500 亿美金a.2.总共预计成本1 X 部门发展的总的预计的费用是美国如下:1.第一区 1000 (住房单位数目) 850,000,000,000 (Rp)2.部门二 1000 (住房单位数目) 850,000,000,000 (Rp)3.部门三 1000 (住房单位数目) 850,000,000,000 (Rp)4.部门四 1000 (住房单位数目) 850,000,000,000 (Rp)5.部门 1000 V (住房单位数目) 850,000,000,000 (Rp)6.部门六 1000 (住房单位数目) 850,000,000,000 (Rp)7.部门七 1000 (住房单位数目) 850,000,000,000 (Rp)8.部门八 1000 (住房单位数目) 850,000,000,000 (Rp)9.部门九 1000 (住房单位数目) 850,000,000,000 (Rp)10.部门 X 1000 (住房单位数目) 850,000,000,000 (Rp)拼写: 8 兆 5000 亿盾
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