Zainal melanjutkan, kekecewaan terhadap Aburizal terus mengalir dari kader Golkar di daerah yang melampiaskannya dengan berkirim surat atau surat elektronik ke Posko Eskponen Ormas Tri Karya Golkar di Jakarta. Bahkan, Zainal menyebut banyak pengurus Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) I Golkar yang datang langsung ke posko tersebut untuk melampiaskan kekecewaannya terkait langkah politik Aburizal.
Dengan begitu, kata Zainal, langkah terbaik yang harus ditunjukkan Aburizal saat ini adalah menerima masukan untuk menggelar musyawarah nasional atau mengundurkan diri sebagai pimpinan Golkar. Posisi Golkar saat ini, menurut Bintang, hanya dapat diselamatkan dengan membentuk kepengurusan baru untuk bernegosiasi dengan pemerintahan selanjutnya.
"Posisinya sudah genting memaksa, dan sesuai aturan Golkar. Hal ini memenuhi syarat munas luar biasa atau Aburizal mengundurkan diri," ucapnya.
Zainal continues, the disappointment of Aburizal keep flowing from the Golkar cadres in the area that melampiaskannya with the send mail or electronic mail to the Posko Eskponen Cbos Tri By Golkar in Jakarta. In fact, Zainal called much of Regional Leadership Council (DPD) I Thrashed who came directly to the command post to vent political move related annoyance Aburizal.
In doing so, said Zainal, the best step that must be demonstrated is currently accepting Aburizal inputs to deploying National Congress or resigned as Chairman of Golkar. This time Golkar's position, according to the star, can only be saved by forming a new management to negotiate with the next administration.
"His position was precarious force, and according to the rules of Golkar. This extraordinary Congress qualified or Aburizal resigned, "he said.

Zainal continued, Aburizal disillusionment with the constant flow of Golkar members in the area who took it to send a letter or electronic mail to the post Eskponen Organizations Tri Golkar work in Jakarta. In fact, many administrators Zainal called the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) I Golkar who come directly to the command post to vent frustration associated Aburizal political step. way, said Zainal, the best step that must be shown Aburizal is currently accepting input to hold a national conference or resigned as chairman of Golkar. Golkar position at this time, according to the Star, only to be saved by forming a new management to negotiate with the next administration. "position is already precarious force, and according to the rules of Golkar. qualify munas This extraordinary or Aburizal resign," he said.