Duduk lesehan di undak-undakan istana bersama Wakil Presiden pagi ini, saya mengumumkan para menteri Kabinet Indonesia Maju. Ada wajah lama, ada muka baru.
Semuanya akan bekerja membantu saya, mengejar ikhtiar bersama menuju Indonesia maju.
Pesan saya kepada para menteri kabinet yang utama adalah: jangan korupsi! Ciptakan sistem yang menutup celah terjadinya korupsi.
Kedua, tidak ada visi dan misi menteri. Hanya ada visi dan misi presiden dan wakil presiden. Ketiga, semua harus bekerja cepat, kerja cerdas, dan produktif. Keempat, jangan terjebak pada rutinitas yang monoton.
Pesan kelima, kerja yang berorientasi pada hasil nyata. Tidak sekadar mengirim pesan, tapi making delivered. Keenam, selalu turun mengecek di lapangan dan temukan solusinya. Dan yang terakhir, ketujuh, adalah semuanya harus serius dalam bekerja.
Selamat bekerja.
Sitting cross-legged on the steps of the palace with the Vice President this morning, I announced the Indonesian Cabinet Forward. There were long faces, there are new faces. <br><br>Everything will work to help me pursue joint efforts towards Indonesia forward. <br><br>My message to the ministers, the main ones are: do not corruption! Create a system that closes loopholes for corruption. <br><br>Second, there is the vision and mission of the minister. There is only the vision and mission of the president and vice president. Third, all had to work fast, work smart, and productive. Fourth, do not get stuck in a monotonous routine.<br><br>The fifth message, oriented work on concrete results. Not just to send a message, but making delivered. Sixth, always down to check on the field and find a solution. And finally, the seventh, is that everything is serious work. <br><br>Happy working.

Sitting in the palace's retreat with the vice president this morning, I announce the Indonesian cabinet ministers forward. There is a long face, there is a new face.<br><br>Everything will work to help me, pursuing a joint endeavor to Indonesia forward.<br><br>My message to the main cabinet ministers is: do not corruption! Create a system that closes corruption gaps.<br><br>Secondly, there is no vision and mission of ministers. There is only the vision and mission of presidents and vice presidents. Thirdly, everything should work fast, work smart, and productive. Fourth, don't get stuck on a monotonous routine.<br><br>A fifth message, a real result oriented work. Not just sending messages, but making delivered. Sixth, always go down check in the field and find the solution. And the last, seventh, is all to be serious in work.<br><br>Good work.