Dear Sir,
Bagaimana kabarmu?
Ini adalah Effy dari Wey Juan Technology CO., Ltd
Silahkan mengambil beberapa menit dan saya percaya hal itu akan menguntungkan bagi kami berdua.
Izinkan saya memperkenalkan secara singkat kepada Anda,.
Wey Juan adalah produsen pabrik akhir profesional di Taiwan.
Kami menggunakan batang stabil dari Jerman, dan mesin penggiling adalah dari Jerman dan Swiss.
Tidak hanya untuk produk standar seri, ukuran khusus yang tersedia sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan.
Juga aksesoris alat dapat ditemukan dalam produk kami juga.
Indeks katalog adalah sebagai lampiran
atau itu menyambut untuk mengunjungi website kami: "" untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, kami akan senang untuk memberikan rincian lebih lanjut atas permintaan.
Kami akan memberikan Penawaran khusus untuk Anda.
Kami menunggu balasan Anda berikutnya.
Maaf untuk bahasa yang buruk saya, saya akan tetap bekerja di atasnya.
Dear Sir,How have you been?It is Effy from Juan Wey Technology Co., LtdPlease take a few minutes and I believe it will be profitable for both of us.Let me briefly introduce to you.Wey Juan is a manufacturer of professional end factory in Taiwan.We use the stable trunk from Germany, and the steamroller is from Germany and Switzerland.Not only for the standard product series, special sizes available to suit the needs of the customer.Also accessories tool can be found in our products as well.Index catalog is as an attachment or it is welcome to visit our website: "" for more information.If you have any questions, we will be happy to provide more details upon request. We will provide special offers to you.We are waiting for your reply.Sorry for my bad language, I'll keep working on it.Effy

Dear Sir, How are you? This is Effy from Wey Juan Technology CO., Ltd. Please take a few minutes and I believe it will be profitable for both of us. Allow me to briefly introduce to you ,. Wey Juan is a professional manufacturer of end mills in Taiwan . We use the stem is stable from the German, and the grinding machine is from Germany and Switzerland. Not just for the standard product series, special sizes are available according to customer requirements. Also accessories tool can be found in our products as well. Index catalog is as an attachment or it welcome to visit our website: "" for more information. If you have any questions, we will be happy to provide further details upon request. We will give you a special offer for you. We are waiting for your next reply. Sorry for my bad language, I will keep working on it. Effy