Record of Vessels Authorized to Fish for Tuna, Skipjack Tuna and Neritic Tunas Within Archipelagic and Territorial Waters of Indonesia and IEEZ Waters or abbreviated R-VIA information system is the list of the given Ship SIPI catch the tuna, skipjack tuna and tuna (TCT) in the waters of the Islands and territories Indonesia and Indonesia EEZ. Application of R-system VIA application of systems approach adopted a Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) like the CCSBT, IOTC, WCPFC. System This is a list of ships that are given for the SIPI making arrests at TCT territorial waters of the Islands, and Indonesia EEZ. In addition, this system also used for uploading and updating data on the number of fishing vessel based on the type of capture tool in a timely fashion (near real time) and can be accessed on-line by both national and international public, all There is a network of the internet.Application system R-Via built as the implementation of decisions of the Minister of Marine and fisheries RI the numbers: 107/KEPMEN-KP/2015 about management plan The fishing of Tuna, skipjack tuna and Tuna (RPP-TCT), the plan of action: c. WPPNRI 713,714, 715.1 with purpose (1) Applying the principle of tracking (traceability) in the activity of catching tuna, skipjack tuna and tuna in the upstream sector; (2) Implement management practices of tuna, skipjack tuna and cob based on established RFMO rules; (3) transparency in the management of fisheries tuna, skipjack tuna and tuna in the territorial waters of Indonesia; (4) ensure activities catching tuna, skipjack tuna and tuna has fulfilled the principle of Tracking (traceability), so it can be received in the export market; (5) Supports the eradication of IUU Fishing activities.