Agrowisata pada prinsipnya merupakan kegiatan industri yang mengharapkan
kedatangan konsumen secara langsung ditempat wisata yang diselenggarakan. Aset yang
penting untuk menarik kunjungan wisatawan adalah keaslian, keunikan, kenyamanan, dan
keindahan alam. Oleh sebab itu, faktor kualitas lingkungan menjadi modal penting yang
harus disediakan, terutama pada wilayah-wilayah yang dimanfaatkan untuk dijelajahi para
wisatawan. Menyadari 50 pentingnya nilai kualitas lingkungan tersebut, masyarakat/petani
setempat perlu diajak untuk selalu menjaga keaslian, kenyamanan, dan kelestarian
The Orchard is in principle expecting industrial activity the arrival of consumers directly with respect to organized tours. Assets that are It is important to attract tourists visit is authenticity, uniqueness, comfort, and the beauty of nature. Therefore, environmental quality factors became important capital should be provided, especially in the regions which are utilized to explore the tourists. Aware of the importance of environmental quality value is 50, the society/farmer local needs to be invited to always keep the authenticity, comfort and sustainability its environment.
Agrotourism in principle an industrial activity that is expecting
the arrival of consumers directly organized tourist place. Assets are
important to attract tourists is the originality, uniqueness, comfort, and
beauty of nature. Therefore, the quality factor of the environment becomes an important capital that
must be provided, especially in areas that used to explore the
tourists. 50 Realizing the importance of the value of the environmental quality, community / farmer
local needs are invited to always keep the authenticity, comfort, and sustainability of
the environment.