Ceritanya reskill tapi karena saking semangatnya ampe salah maxin skil gaguna (flip) trs trs malah hidden kagak kebuka (flip) jexp abis (flip) besok ada gvg (flip) enchanan belum kelar (flip) . Aing kudu kumaha (cry)
Her story was so disheartened but due to reskill ampe wrong maxin skil gaguna (flip) trs trs even hidden kagak kebuka (flip) jexp abis (flip) tomorrow there's a gvg (flip) enchanan haven't done (flip).Aing kudu how (cry)
The story reskill but because so spirits ampe one maxin skil gaguna (flip) trs trs even hidden kagak kebuka (flip) jexp Abis (flip) tomorrow there GVG (flip) enchanan not finished (flip). Aing kudu kumaha (cry)