Tadi malam, selain mie instan, saya juga membeli satu, menunggu sampai Maret, ketika kami bertemu, memberikan Anda sebagai hadiah. Saya pikir Anda akan menyukai hadiah.
Tadi malam, selain mie instan, saya juga membeli sesuatu, menunggu sampai Maret, ketika kami bertemu, memberikan sebagai hadiah. Saya pikir Anda akan menyukai hadiah.
Last night, in addition to instant noodles, I also bought one, wait until March, when we met, give You as a gift. I think you will love the gifts.Last night, in addition to instant noodles, I also buy something, wait until March, when we met, give as a gift. I think you will love the gifts.

Last night, in addition to instant noodles, I also bought one, wait until March, when we meet, give you as a gift. I think you will like the gift. Last night, in addition to instant noodles, I also bought something, wait until March, when we met, give as gifts. I think you will like the gift.