● Terdapat kualitas yang sempurna yang di buat dengan komponen electrik SMD dan
dengan teknologi yang di angkat dari SMT.
● Dilengkapi dengan kesatuan sistem uni-directional La valier yang sensitif dan gelombang
suara yang jemih.
● Digunakan sirkuit untuk keseimbangan frekuensi dan jarak jangkauan yang luas.
● Amplifier berfungsi pada frekuensi VHF(165-280Mhz) and terdapat 65 cahnnel yang
berbeda, dapat digunakan sekaligus 65 unit pada tempat dan waktu yang bersamaan.
● Terdapat 3 pilihan untuk sumber listrik/power,dari power AC,Power DC 12V dan
intemal Power/baterai yang dapat di charge ulang(rechargeable power).
● AC power digunakan dalam keadaan normal,power recharge (dapat di isi ulang)tersedia
didalam amplifier.
● Pada mesin amplifier juga dilengkap dengan 1 buah baterai 9V yang dapat disi ulang,
jika anda memiliki 2 buah baterai yang dapat di charge/di isi ulang,anda dapat
menyimpan 1 baterai tetap di charge dan 1 baterailagi untuk dingunakan pada mic
● Mic kabel dan tanpa kabel (mic jepit) dapat digunakan secara bersamaan.
● Terdapat signal alarm jika power / listristrik akan habis.
● Terdapat fungsi LCD screen,SD Card USB MP3 Player.
● Terdapat fungsi FM Redio.
● There is a perfect quality made with components and SMD electrik with the lift in technology of SMT.● Equipped with a uni-directional systems Unity La sensitive valier and waves sounds jemih.● Use the circuit for frequency balance and broad range.● Amplifier function at frequency VHF (165-280Mhz) and there were 65 the cahnnel different, can be used as well as 65 units in the same place and time.● There are three options for power source/power, AC power, Power of DC 12V and intemal Power/Rechargeable battery in charge reset (rechargeable power).● AC power used under normal circumstances, a power recharge (can refill) available inside the amplifier.● Machine dilengkap also with amplifier 1 piece 9V battery that can reset the position, If you have 2 rechargeable batteries on charge/refill, you can Save your battery charge remains at 1 and 1 baterailagi for dingunakan on the mic handheld.● Wired and wireless Mic (mic clips) can be used simultaneously.● There is an alarm signal if the power/listristrik will be exhausted.● There is an LCD function screen, SD Card USB MP3 Player.● There is a function FM Redio.
● There is a perfect quality which is made by Electrik SMD components and
technology in the lift of the SMT.
● Equipped with a unified system of uni-directional sensitive La Valier and waves
of clear sound.
● Used circuit for frequency balance and range of broad .
● Amplifier function on VHF frequencies (165-280Mhz) and there were 65 cahnnel are
different, it can be used at the same place and the 65 units at the same time.
● There are three choices for power source / power, from the power AC, 12V DC power and
internal Power / battery that can be charged (rechargeable power).
● AC power is used under normal conditions, power recharging (can be rechargeable) are available
in the amplifier.
● On the machine amplifier also completed with 1 piece of 9V battery which can be reset condition,
if you have 2 batteries can be charged / recharged, you can
save one battery remains in charge and 1 baterailagi to dingunakan on the mic
● Wired and wireless mic (mic-flops) can be used simultaneously.
● There is an alarm signal if power / listristrik will run out.
● A function LCD screen, USB SD Card MP3 Player.
● There Redio FM function.