e. determining a final product in the company; or
f. implementing legislation.
Article 7
UTTP that can be exempted from tera birthday as referred to in Article 2 paragraph (1) letter b, are prohibited from directly or indirectly used or stored in a state ready for the activities referred to in Article 6 .
UTTP that can be exempted from tera re-referred to in paragraph (1) shall be given the words "ONLY FOR tHE CONTROL oF tHE COMPANY".
Article 8
Use of UTTP which may be requested exemption from tera birthday must be on-site laboratories, office space, indoor workshops, warehouses hoarding, in a corporate environment that is not open to the public, the room where the unit of production machinery, and at a certain place for a tank measuring motion.
Article 9
in order to obtain the liberation of tera birthday, owners or users UTTP must submit a written application and eligibility and procedures as listed in Annex II, which is an integral part of this regulation.
Article 10
UTTP exempted from tera and tera re-referred to in Article 2 paragraph (1) letter c is UTTP specifically targeted or used for domestic purposes.
Article 11
in terms of technical requirements UTTP as referred to in Article 4 has not been determined, the determination of the technical requirements UTTP can be carried out in accordance with the technical provisions or recommendations International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML), International Standards, or the Indonesian National Standard.
determination UTTP technical requirements referred to in paragraph (1), carried out with the approval of the Director General of Domestic Trade in this case the Director of Metrology and technical requirements UTTP valid until set.