Dengan demikian, saham PT Sitara Propertindo Tbk. yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia seluruhnya berjumlah 10.025.731.300 saham, sedangkan Waran Seri I PT Sitara Propertindo Tbk. yang belum dikonversi sejumlah ekuivalen dengan 1.984.268.700 saham.
Thus, the shares of PT Propertindo Sitara Tbk. are listed on the Indonesia stock exchangetotaling 10.025.731.300 shares, while the Warrants series I PT Propertindo SitaraTbk. that hasn't converted a number of equivalent to 1.984.268.700 shares.
Thus, Sitara Propertindo Tbk PT. listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange totaled 10,025,731,300 shares, while the Series I Warrants Sitara Propertindo PT Tbk. who have not converted a number equivalent to 1,984,268,700 shares.