The woman in the sight of Asmat [edit | edit source]Symbolizing women with Flora & Fauna are valuable to the community the Asmat (tree/wood, cuscus, dogs, parrots and lorikeets, and lilies), such as the Asmat said above, shows how the real society woman who puts the Asmat are very valuable for them.It is also implied in various art carvings and sculptures of them.But in their wealth as well as gempitanya up the sculpture and carving a Hidden reality. Asmat derita motherhood and the Asmat girl not seem from the outside world.Derita became renowned Asmat single women in the tribes live.Every day they had to provide food for her husband and her children, ranging from the search for fish, shrimp, crab, and tembelo to find old sago, the cutting down of trees menokok sago, sago, brought from the jungle, cooking and serving.After that wash food or place where Cook said taking the water from the lake or river waters for the purposes of drinking family.Meanwhile, the activities of the male identity is enjoying the Asmat food prepared by his wife, sucking tobacco, and gambling.Sometimes the husband made it home or boat, but with Rocky's wife.There is also a husband who would accompany his wife looking for firewood.Unfortunately they only really accompany.Rowing the boat, cutting wood, and took her home is the duty of the wife.The husband was quite kindly will help bring his axe.If the wife does not prepare request her husband like sago or fish, then the wife will become victims of the surge of anger.If they lost the gamble, then the wife also will be object of vexation.Those who live in Agats, now accustomed to a drunk, they are more prone to rages, so that the istripun will be much more continuous acts of violence.Asmat men sometimes carve out, if they want to know or if you wish to organise a party.When the men carve out, then the task of women will be growing.Women should continue to provide sago fuel and other foods that you want their husbands to be able to continue to be powered to carve.The longer the men carve, the more food they should also provide.It means it will be growing tired of women having to Asmat, memangur, meramah, and cultivate sago, and even more tragically, fish capture again, if it's sold, then carved his money only for the husband who made her, women do not receive any rewards Asmat for his skill and provide food. But without it, one will not be completed ukiranpun.Linggasari,2004 (the goddess of the mighty, the underdog. Portrait of a Living Female Asmat. Yogyakarta: Bigraf Publishing, in collaboration with the Foundation and The Fourt Adhikarya IKAPI Foundation. p. 22).