Bnr2 ga nyangka, brg datang dlm keadaan rapi, utuh and ga cacat, dan yg bikin gue terkesima adalah tambahan bonus Tempared Glass warna blue yg ciamikk, cantikk bgtss and lum prnh kutemui dimanapun ditmbh lagi bonus hiasan nail perak+lemnya,pdhl itu semua tak dicantumkan dlm iklan/jualannya, Toko S Zone benar2 memuaskan, Thx alot for TOko S ZoNe and Lazada... Jd semangatss belanja teruss disini....
Bnr2 ga expected, brg comes in a neat, whole and flawed, and yg ga bikin gue struck is an additional bonus Tempared Glass color blue yg ciamikk, cantikk bgtss and lum prnh found wherever ditmbh more ornate silver nail bonus + lemnya, pdhl it all cannot be listed in the ad/jualannya, souvenir S Zone benar2 satisfying, Thx a lot for the store S ZoNe and Lazada ... JD semangatss teruss shopping here ....
Bnr2 ga nyangka, brg come shipshape, intact and ga flawed, and that makes me amazed is an extra bonus Tempared Glass color blue which ciamikk, cantikk bgtss and lum prnh met wherever ditmbh more bonus decoration nail silver + glue, pdhl it all does not dlm imprinted advertising / wares, Shop S Zone benar2 satisfactory, Thx a lot for the store S Zone and Lazada ... Jd semangatss teruss shopping here ....