Sulit untuk dapat diterima akal sehat, karena tinggal pemindaian (scan) kok angkanya bisa berubah. Yang paling masuk akal adalah ada upaya mengubah hasil perolehan suara dengan menambah sedikit lekukan di atas angka 0 sehingga berubah menjadi angka 8.
Namun demikian, hal itu tidak disadari oleh yang melakukan, angka 0 menjadi angka 8 akan mengubah seluruh potret DPT yang existing, kuota DPT yang diperbolehkan untuk satu TPS dan hasil akhir," tegas Ananta Wahana, anggota DPRD Banten.
It is difficult to be accepted common sense, because the live scan (scan) kok numbers could change. Makes the most sense is there an effort change the results tally votes by adding a little indentations above the 0 so it turns into a figure 8.
However, it was not realized by doing, numbers 0 to number 8 will change all the existing DPT, portrait COLLAPSIBLE quota is allowed for one POLLING STATION and the final results, "stated Ananta Rides, members of the DPRD Banten.
It's hard to be accepted common sense, because the live scanning (scan) why the numbers could change. The most plausible is no attempt to change the outcome of the vote by adding a little indentation above the number 0 so that turned into a figure 8. Nevertheless, it is not recognized by the conduct, the number 0 into the number 8 will change the entire portrait existing DPT, quota DPT is allowed for the TPS and the final result, "said Ananta rides, members of Banten.