penyebaran awal 3M dari VAS difokuskan pada antarmuka web tunggal, didukung oleh tiga contoh dari Windows Azure. Sekarang, 12 contoh dari Windows Azure mendukung bukan hanya antarmuka web, tetapi juga aplikasi telepon, plug-in untuk Adobe Photoshop, dan klien diciptakan melalui pihak ketiga kit pengembangan perangkat lunak. Waktu untuk skala, format, dan upload gambar telah menurun dari 15-ke-20 detik untuk 2-ke-3 detik 3M telah fine-tuned penggunaan Windows Azure.
the initial deployment of 3 m from the VASE is focused on a single web interface, supported by three examples from Windows Azure. Now, 12 instances of Windows Azure supports not just the web interface, but also phone application, plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop, and the client is created through third-party software development kit. Time to the scale, format, and upload the image has been decreased from 15-to-20 minutes for 2-3 seconds 3 m have been fine-tuned use of Windows Azure.

3M initial deployment of VAS focused on a single web interface, supported by three instances of Windows Azure. Now, 12 instances of Windows Azure support not only the web interface, but also the phone application, a plug-in for Adobe Photoshop, and created through a third-party client software development kit. Time to scale, format, and upload images has dropped from 15-to-20 seconds for a two-to-three seconds 3M has fine-tuned the use of Windows Azure.