Sekretaris Jenderal DPP Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Taufik Ridho mengatakan, partainya telah menghentikan publikasi real count data Pemilu Presiden 2014.
Penghentian tersebut menyusul imbauan Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) yang meminta lembaga penyiaran untuk menghentikan siaran quick count maupun real count. "Real count PKS sudah kami hentikan (penyiarannya). Kami kan taat aturan," kata Taufik saat dihubungi, Minggu (13/7/2014).
Meski demikian, kata Taufik, proses pengumpulan data C1 dari tempat pemungutan suara untuk penghitungan real count tetap dilakukan. Data tersebut nantinya akan digunakan sebagai data pembanding manakala terdapat indikasi kecurangan pada proses rekapitulasi suara yang dilakukan Komisi Pemilihan Umum. "Perhitungannya masih tetap ada," ujarnya.
Untuk diketahui, PKS memamerkan perhitungan real count yang memenangkan pasangan Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa. Sementara ini, mereka merilis angka 52,3 persen untuk Prabowo Hatta dan 47,7 persen untuk Jokowi–JK.
Sebelumnya, KPI Pusat meminta lembaga penyiaran untuk menghentikan penayangan hasil hitung cepat pilpres hingga Komisi Pemilihan Umum melakukan publikasi atas rekapitulasi suara sah nasional pada 22 Juli 2014.
"KPI meminta seluruh lembaga penyiaran menghentikan sementara siaran quick count, real count, klaim kemenangan, dan ucapan selamat sepihak kepada capres sampai 22 Juli 2014," kata Ketua KPI Pusat Dr Judhariksawan, seperti diberitakan, Jumat (11/7/2014).
Dia mengatakan, langkah itu diambil KPI dengan berbagai pertimbangan, terutama kepentingan publik. Menurut Judhariksawan, pengumuman hasil hitung cepat secara terus-menerus, bahkan klaim kemenangan dan ucapan selamat serta hasil hitung real count yang di luar keputusan KPU, berpotensi meresahkan masyarakat.
"Bagaimana kalau ada masyarakat di satu daerah hanya bisa menyaksikan stasiun televisi tertentu karena kendala sinyal. Lalu, dia melihat pasangan tertentu dianggap menang, kan meresahkan," kata Judhariksawan.
The General Secretary of the prosperous Justice Party DPP Taufik Ridho said, his party had stopped publication of the real count data presidential elections of 2014.
The following discontinuation of an appeal Commission on broadcasting of Indonesia (KPI) that require broadcasters to stop the broadcast of the quick count and the real count. "We have Real MCC-count stop (broadcasting). We will obey the rules,"said Taufik when contacted by the, Sunday (13/7/2014).
Nevertheless, said Taufik, the C1 data collection process from polling stations to counting the real count remains committed. Such Data will be used as a comparison when the data are indicative of fraud on the process of recapitulation of votes conducted Electoral Commission. "Calculation remains,"he said.
For the mind, the MCC exhibits a calculation of the real count who won a pair of Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa. In the meantime, they release numbers 52,3 percent to 47.7 percent and Prabowo Hatta to Jokowi – JK
earlier. KPI Center asked broadcasters to stop airing a quick count presidential election results until the Electoral Commission publication over legitimate national vote recapitulation on July 22, 2014.
"KPI is asking all broadcasters pause broadcast quick count, the real count, claim victory, and congratulations to the unilateral capres until July 22, 2014,"said Chairman Dr Judhariksawan Center KPI, such as the reported, Friday (11/7/2014).
He said, steps were taken with different KPI considerations, especially the interests of the public. According to Judhariksawan, the quick count result is continuously, even claim victory and congratulations as well as real count count the results outside the ELECTION COMMISSION's decision, potentially troubling society.
"What if there are people in one area could only watch certain television stations due to the constraints of the signal. Then, he saw a particular spouse is considered won, unsettling, "said kan Judhariksawan.

Secretary General of the Prosperous Justice Party Taufik Ridho said his party has suspended publication of the data count real 2014 Presidential Election. following an appeal of the termination of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) which asks broadcasters to stop broadcasting real quick count and count. "Real count our MCC already stopped (broadcasting). Obey the rules we right," Taufik said when contacted, Sunday (13/07/2014). Nevertheless, Taufik said, the process of data collection C1 of the polls to the counting real count is still being done. The data will be used as comparative data when there are indications of fraud in the process of recapitulation made the Election Commission. "The math is still there," he said. FYI, MCC real calculations show off the winning pair count Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa. In the meantime, they released a figure 52.3 percent to 47.7 percent Prabowo and Hatta to Jokowi-JK. Previously, KPI asked broadcasters to stop airing a quick count results of the election to the National Election Commission give due publicity recapitulation of the national valid votes at 22 July 2014. "IBC requires all broadcasters suspend broadcasts quick count, the real count, claim victory, and congratulations to the unilateral presidency until July 22, 2014," said Chairman Dr. Judhariksawan KPI, as reported, Friday (11 / 7/2014). He said the move was taken IBC with a variety of considerations, especially the public interest. According Judhariksawan, the announcement of the results of a quick count continuously, even claim victory and congratulations as well as the results of the real count count outside the Commission's decision, potentially disturbing the public. "What if there are people in the region can only watch certain television stations due to constraints of signal . then, he saw the pair is considered certain to win, do not you fret, "said Judhariksawan.