The lack of resources from this lack of financial support affetcts SMEs in a variety of operational areas, ranging from efficiency to competitiveness. Batik SMEs in Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, Kebumen, Wonosobo, Banyumas and Cilacap still buy raw materials such as wax, kain biron, and dyes in Solo, Yogyakarta and Pekalongan. These materials are key to the production of batik and indeed affect the production, especially for the price issue, such as: late achieving the raw materials from suppliers and higher operation cost as they tend to buy materials in retail, not in bulk. Banyumas district has a cooperative institution namely PERBAIN. The cooperative provides raw materials like dyes, wax, and kain biron for some Batik SMEs near Banyumas district, including Purbalingga and Banjarnegara districts. Unfortunately, another districts in South – Central Java could not be served by PERBAIN because of limited capital and manpower. To produce a cheap batik, the local raw materials must be cheap in terms of price. This can be used to produce a cheaper batik, and to meet the demand for the local market, but the local material has its disadvantage which is inefficient to produce a better quality batik, especially when it comes to exclusive demand because the home made material does not have the ability to absolve the colour and to dry quickly, which makes it not a good choice by the industries or craftsmen. Since last year, Pubalingga and Cilacap districts began to develop natural dyes from mahony leaves, mango leaves and others, and foreign buyer (i.e Dutch,Japan, and some country in Europe like Germany) prefer to buy this product than synthetic dyes products. It seemed to make an opportunity for other batik craftsmen in South – Central Java to pay attention in natural dyes material to produce batiks.