Drs. I Wayan Kusmiantha Dusak, Bc., SH IP served as Director-General of prisons as of since August 2015. Previously, he was known to even present a good performance as head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Justice and human rights of West Java province in 2012 and East Java in 2014.Born in Bali, July 27, 1957, prompting the familiar man accosted "Pak Dusak" completed his education at the Academy of Sciences of prisons (AKIP) in 1983.Occupied his first career as head of the Branch Head and Jeneponto Rutan Lapas Watampone to further carry the position as head of Staffing at the Secretariat of the Directorate General of prisons in 2006.His career is increasingly uphill while believed to be the head of Administration at the regional office Divisis Ministry of Justice and human rights of INDONESIA, East Java in 2009 and the head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Justice and human rights of Bengkulu in 2011.