Meet again with us. Special Webinar Mavroberita.
MMM Indonesia is We, we are together. Who run it?, CRO, IT or TOPLEADER ???, Definitely not. But all of you.
There is no third party or a miracle if we do not work actively and strive, logic...
During the login and the MMM system is always ready to be with us all.
We understand, problems always occur, as a result of the system and sometimes also results (of human nature we all) us. But with our cooperation becoming a solid team, maintain and supervise this MMM. So we think. the "LAST DAY OF FINANCIAL APOCALYPSE IS NEAR", "Together we can"
Zonk vs real PH.
The system works according to the algorithm, according to the queue / operator. All think Zonk created by online registration or a website, but online registration is a promotional event of MMM, because anyone registering via online will get a bonus of 15% of the sponsor, although ordinary members. And we believe the problem with zonk will disappear by itself, provided we:
Enrolling new participants.
Problems deleting the account after the account becomes 0 mavro, please wait walking activity. Automatically, if we are active PH and GH, then the account is not active in the system WILL be removed.
Transfer mavro also experience problems, immediate feedback and explain your mavro will be transferred to the account you want.
The work program, which we will do as a participant, is: ideology is always introduced to new people, and we know for advertising events in the context of the huge cost and great advertising is very difficult for these circumstances, then our program for today is as follows:
How to invite new participants. Work methodology.
Explain ideologies and mechanical systems work MMM.
This we will do again and again.
See you at the next webinar on Friday, 28/08/2015, 20-00 (Jakarta): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2scELYIDy8