Article 12At the time of this Ministerial Regulation comes into force:1. The decision of the Minister of industry and trade Number 639/MPP/Kep/10/2004 about the terms and conditions of technical Measuring Tank car; and2. The provisions of Chapter VII concerning the terms of technical UTTP in the decision of the Minister of industry and trade Number 61/MPP/Kep/2/1998 on the Organization of Kemetrologian as amended by decision of the Minister of industry and trade Number 251/MPP/Kep/6/1999;revoked and declared inapplicable.Article 13This Ministerial Regulation comes into force on the date specified.In order to make everyone aware of it, ordered the enactment of this Ministerial Regulation with its placement in the news of the Republic of Indonesia.Established in Jakartaon March 3, 2010MINISTER OF TRADE SAFETY,TTDMARI ELKA PANGESTUA copy of the original in accordance withThe Secretariat-GeneralThe Ministry Of Trade SafetyThe Head Of The Law Firm,TTDWidodo