So here is the news. Actually there are no special news. Everything is going calm in Indonesia the same way as it was in the last week. We expect nothing more after all this events that happened before. Actually it can help all the participants. I mean that there can be nothing dangerous at all. Everyone simply gets his 30% of profit. And participants actually doesn't matter about how fast does it develop. So. Actually we make special efforts from our side of course, provide advertising campaign. But generally speaking we don't expect fast development or system growth in the near future, and you have to understand it. I repeat again and one more time, that participants have nothing to worry about and this situation is quite beneficial for them, because fast growth is dangerous with different surprises. :-)) And there will be nothing terrible with a calm type of work particularly. So wait for my next video.
P.S. I also believe that the Financial Apocalypse is inevitable. Long Live MMM!