1. Perkebunan
Kegiatan usaha perkebunan meliputi perkebunan tanaman keras dan tanaman
lainnya yang dilakukan oleh perkebunan besar swasta nasional ataupun asing,
BUMN, dan perkebunan rakyat. Berbagai kegiatan obyek wisata perkebunan
dapat berupa praproduksi (pembibitan), produksi, dan pascaproduksi
(pengolahan dan pemasaran). Daya tarik perkebunan sebagai sumberdaya
wisata antara lain: a. daya tarik historis dari perkebunan yang sudah diusahakan
sejak lama, b. lokasi beberapa wilayah perkebunan yang terletak di pegunungan
yang memberikan pemandangan indah serta berhawa segar, c. cara-cara
tradisional dalam pola tanam, pemeliharaan, pengelolaan dan prosesnya, serta
d. perkembangan teknik pengelolaan yang ada.
1. The estate Plantation business activities include gardening perennials and plants other large estates conducted by the private national or foreign, STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES, and the estates of the people. Plantation tourism activities can be either a preproduction (nursery), production, and post-production (processing and marketing). The attraction of the estate as a resource tours include: a. the historical appeal of the plantations already laboured for a long time, b. the location of some of the plantations located in the mountains that gives beautiful views as well as fresh, sensual ways c.traditional pattern in planting, maintenance, management and process, as well asd. development of existing management techniques.

1. Plantation
business activities include plantation plantation crops and crops
other large estates conducted by national or foreign private sector,
state enterprises, and the community's plantation. Various activities attractions plantations
can be either pre-production (breeding), production, and postproduction
(processing and marketing). Appeal as a resource plantation
tour include: a. historical appeal of the estate that has been cultivated
since long, b. the location of some plantation areas are located in the mountains of
which provide beautiful scenery and fresh air, c. ways of
traditional cropping patterns, maintenance, management and processes, and
d. the development of management techniques available.