Dengan kurs USD saat ini (Sep 2013) yang mendekati Rp.12.000/ 1 USD, m的英文翻譯

Dengan kurs USD saat ini (Sep 2013)

Dengan kurs USD saat ini (Sep 2013) yang mendekati Rp.12.000/ 1 USD, maka hampir dipastikan harga oli mobil kita, bakal naik lagi. Menurut beberapa pedagang, kira2 2 bulan lagi kalau kurs masih tetap seperti ini, dijamin harga oli, dll akan stabil dinaikkan. Saat ini pun beberapa pedagang yg kehabisan stok, sudah menaikkan harga oli, karena harga dari distributornya sudah naik.

Menyikapi hal itu, saya jadi kembali ingin tahu, apakah periode ganti oli per 10.000 km bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menghemat? Beberapa APM, seperti Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi, sudah beberapa saat yg lalu menjalankan periode ganti oli per 10.000 km. Namun belakangan mereka kembali merekomendasikan per 5000 km, jika mobil kita menghadapi hal-hal berikut: sering dipakai jarak pendek, kurang dari 20 menit per perjalanan, sering menghadapi kemacetan parah, mengangkat beban berat, rute jalan rusak dan berdebu. Wah, kalau kriterianya seperti itu, kebanyakan mobil di Indonesia butuh ganti oli per 5000 km dong…

Setelah penasaran dan browsing sana-sini, akhirnya dapat beberapa penjelasan yang lebih masuk akal, antara lain:

1. Interval ganti oli dihitung berdasarkan JAM MESIN.

Apa itu jam mesin? Jam mesin artinya berapa lama durasi mesin mobil Anda menyala. Jadi bukan lagi berdasarkan jarak tempuh. Oli mobil Anda didesain untuk dapat dipakai selama kurang lebih 220 jam. Lalu cara menghitungnya bagaimana? Gampang saja, carilah kecepatan rata2 mobil Anda, lalu kalikan dengan 220 jam, maka akan diperoleh di kilometer berapa oli perlu diganti.


X-Trail sering dipakai keluar kota Bdg-Jkt, jarak kedua kota tsb sekitar 180 km, jika waktu tempuh 3 jam, maka kec. rata2 adalah 180 km/3 jam = 60 km/jam. Maka interval ganti oli adalah 60 km/j x 220 jam = 13200 km

X-Trail dipakai Bekasi-Jkt,, jarak kedua kota 30 km, waktu tempuh 3 jam juga, maka kec.rata2 adalah 30km /3jam = 10 km/jam. Maka interval ganti oli adalah 10 km/j x 220 jam = 2200 km.

Dari kedua contoh diatas nampak berbeda sekali periode ganti olinya, karena kasus yg kedua mengalami macet berat (severe condition).

2. Interval ganti oli dihitung berdasarkan JENIS OLI.

Jenis oli disini dibedakan menjadi 3 macam yaitu: Mineral Oil, Semi-Synthetic Oil, dan Fully Synthetic Oil (100% Synthetic). Produsen Oli rata2 memiliki ke-3 range produk oli tersebut. Sebagai contoh: Shell HX-3 (mineral), HX-7 (semisyn), HX8/Ultra (fullysyn). Total 20W-50 (mineral), Total10W-40 (semisyn), Total5W-40 (fullysyn). Tulisan jenis oli selalu ada di setiap kemasan oli. Kalau produsen oli hanya menuliskan “synthetic” artinya adalah semi-synthetic, kadangkala mereka juga menuliskan “synthetic technology” atau “synthetic blend”, semuanya sama termasuk kategori semisyn. Biasanya semakin kearah Fully Synthetic, oli semakin encer.

Jika Anda pakai oli mineral, maka maksimum 3000 km, harus diganti.

Jika Anda pakai oli semi-synthetic, maka maksimum 7000 km, harus diganti.

Jika Anda pakai oli fully-synthetic, maka maksimum 12000 km, harus diganti.

3. Interval ganti oli dihitung berdasarkan RPM Mesin.

Maksudnya? Ini sih penemuan saya sendiri.. hehehe… Jika pakai X-Trail, pada kecepatan 100 km/j, RPM mesin adalah 2500 rpm. Sementara jika pakai Avanza 1.3 VVT-i, pada kecepatan 100 km/j, RPM mesin jauh lebih tinggi yaitu 3500 rpm. Ternyata oli yang masih bertahan enak di X-Trail sampai 5000 km, di Avanza (oli dg merk dan spek yg sama tersebut) sudah terasa kurang enak di 3500 km. Silahkan disimpulkan sendiri ya….

Hitungannya begini: 2500 rpm/3500rpm = 0.715, jika oli yg sama tersebut di X-Trail diganti per 5000 km, maka di Avanza 1.3, digantinya: 5000km x 0.715 = 3575 km.

Kebetulan sekarang di majalah Autobild, diberikan data2 berapa RPM di kecepatan 100 km/jam, maka data tersebut bisa dipakai untuk menghitung periode ganti oli juga.

4. Interval ganti oli dihitung berdasarkan Umur Oli.

Umur oli disini dihitung oleh on-board computer yang ada dimobil2 kelas atas. Produsen mobil memiliki metode penghitungan Umur Oli berdasarkan, berapa kali mesin dimatikan-dihidupkan, berapa lama mesin nyala, suhu oli saat pemakaian, kekentalan dan kelicinan oli, dll. Intinya kita sebagai pengguna mobil tinggal ngikut saja, jika saatnya ganti oli, maka akan ada lampu indikator yang menyala di dashboard. Ini metode yang paling enak dan mudah. Sayangnya di Nissan X-Trail belum ada fitur ini.

Demikian sharing saya, semoga menambah wawasan tentang pergantian oli. Jika membca artikel ini dan Anda tambah pusing, maka ikuti saja-lah rekomendasi dari produsen mobil atau bengkel mobil kepercayaan Anda.
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
With the exchange rate USD currently (September 2013) that approximates the Rp 12,000/1 USD, then almost certainly our cars, oil prices will go up again. According to some traders, kira2 2 months again if rate remains like this, guaranteed price stable oil, etc. will be raised. Currently, some merchants who were running out of stock, has already raised the price of oil, because the price of its distributors have gone up.Addressing it, I so want to know, whether the return period oil change per 10000 km can be used to save? Some of the APM, such as Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi, already a while yg then run period oil change per 10000 km. but later they again recommended a 5000 km car, if we deal with the following matters: often worn over short distances, less than 20 minutes per trip, often facing severe congestion, heavy weight lifting, road route is broken and dusty. Well, if kriterianya like it, most cars in Indonesia need a oil change per 5000 km dong ...After a curious and browsing here and there, finally some more reasonable explanation for, among other things:1. oil change Interval is calculated based on MACHINE HOURS.What is engine clock? How long does the engine hours duration of your car's engine is turned on. So it is no longer based on mileage. Oil your car is designed to be worn for approximately 220 hours. And how to count it how? Easy enough, look for your car's hard rata2 speed, then multiply by 220 hours, it will be obtained in kilometers how the oil needs to be replaced.Example:X-Trail is often used out of Bdg-Jkt, the distance of the two cities they will be about 180 km, if the travel time of 3 hours, then the kec. rata2 is 180 km/3 hours = 60 km/h. The oil change interval is 60 km/h x 220 h = 13200 kmX-Trail worn Bekasi-Jkt, second city, distance 30 km, travel time 3 hours, then Excl. rata2 is 30 km/3jam = 10 km/h. Then the oil change interval is 10 km/h x 220 h = 2200 km.From the second example above appears to be different once the period for olinya, because the case is the second bad experience severe (severe condition).2. oil change Interval is calculated based on the TYPE of OIL.Types of oil here is distinguished into three kinds, namely: Mineral Oil, Synthetic Oil, Semi-and Fully Synthetic Oil (100% Synthetic). Manufacturer of Oli's hard rata2 has the 3rd range the oil products. For example: Shell HX-3 (mineral), HX-7 (semisyn), Ultra HX8/(fullysyn). Total 20W -50 (mineral), Total10W -40 (semisyn), Total5W -40 (fullysyn). Writing this type of oil is always there in every packing oil. If the producer oli just wrote down "synthetic" means it is a semi-synthetic, sometimes they also write "technology" or "synthetic synthetic blend", all the same categories include semisyn. Usually the more towards Fully Synthetic oil, the more dilute.If you use mineral oil, then a maximum of 3000 km, it must be replaced.If you are using a semi-synthetic oil, then a maximum of 7000 km, must be replaced.If you are using fully-synthetic oil, then a maximum of 12000 km, must be replaced.3. oil change Interval is calculated based on Engine RPM.Mean? It's my own invention.. hehehe ... If using an X-Trail, at a speed of 100 km/h, the engine RPM is 2500 rpm. While if disposable Avanza 1.3 VVT-i, at a speed of 100 km/h, the engine RPM is much higher that is 3500 rpm. It turns out that oil still survives in X-Trail up to 5000 km, the Avanza (oli dg merk and the same spec) has been noticeably less good at 3500 km. Please summed up his own ya ....The count thus: 2500 rpm/3500rpm = 0.715, if the same oil in X-Trail replaced per 5000 km, then on the Avanza 1.3, digantinya: 5000 km x = 0.715 3575 km.Incidentally now in the magazine Autobild, given how many RPM data2 speed 100 km/h, then the data can be used to calculate the period of oil change, too.4. oil change Interval is calculated based on Aged Oli.Aged oli here is calculated by an on-board computer that there are upper-class dimobil2. Car manufacturers have Aged Oli calculation method based on the number of times the machine is turned off – switched on, how long the flame temperature of machine oil discharging time, viscosity and oil slippage, etc. In essence we as car users living adherents only, if it is oil change, then there will be a indicator light that illuminates on the dashboard. This method is the most tasty and easy. Unfortunately in the Nissan X-Trail feature is not there yet.So my sharing, may add insight into the changing of oil. If this article is membca and you add dizzy, then just follow the one recommendation from the manufacturer of the car or car repair shop You trust.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
With the current USD exchange rate (September 2013) Case approaching Rp 12,000 / 1 USD, then almost certainly our car oil prices, will rise again. According to some traders, kira2 2 months if the exchange rate is still like this, guaranteed price of oil, etc. will be stable raised. Today was some traders who are out of stock, has raised the price of oil, because the price of the distributors have gone up. In response, I became re curious, whether oil change periods per 10,000 miles can be used to save? Some APM, such as Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi, had a few moments ago to run an oil change periods per 10,000 miles. Later, they returned recommend per 5000 km, if the car we face the following things: frequently used short distances, less than 20 minutes per trip, often face severe congestion, lifting heavy loads, these bad roads and dusty. Well, if such criteria, most cars in Indonesia need to change oil per 5000 miles dong ... After curious and browsing here and there, can finally some more plausible explanation, among others: 1. Oil change interval is calculated based on the CLOCK MACHINE. What is a clock machine? Hours engine means how long the duration of your car's engine is on. So it is no longer based on mileage. Oil in your car is designed to be used for approximately 220 hours. Then how is it calculated? It was easy, look rata2 speed of your car, then multiply by 220 hours, it will be obtained in kilometers how the oil needs to be replaced. Example: X-Trail is often used out of town Bdg-Jkt, both within the city they will be around 180 km, if the travel time of 3 hours, then excl. rata2 is 180 miles / 3 hours = 60 km / h. Then the oil change interval is 60 km / jx 220 hours = 13200 km X-Trail used Bekasi-Jkt ,, both city distance of 30 km, and takes about 3 hours too, then kec.rata2 is 30km / 3h = 10 km / h. Then the oil change interval is 10 km / jx 220 hours = 2200 km. From the two examples above seem to differ once the oil change period, as the case that both suffered severe misfire (severe condition). 2. Oil change interval is calculated based on the TYPE OIL. Type oil here can be divided into 3 kinds: Mineral Oil, Semi-synthetic oil, and Fully Synthetic Oil (100% Synthetic). Oil producers rata2 have all 3 of the oil product range. For example: Shell HX-3 (mineral), HX-7 (semisyn), HX8 / Ultra (fullysyn). Total 20W-50 (mineral), Total10W-40 (semisyn), Total5W-40 (fullysyn). Posts kind of oil is always there in every packing oil. If the oil producers simply write "synthetic" means it is a semi-synthetic, sometimes they also wrote "synthetic technology" or "synthetic blend", all the same including semisyn category. Usually the direction of Fully Synthetic, the more dilute the oil. If you use mineral oil, then a maximum of 3000 km, should be replaced. If you use a semi-synthetic oil, then a maximum of 7000 km, should be replaced. If you use fully-synthetic oil, then the maximum 12000 miles, must be replaced. 3. Oil change interval is calculated based on engine RPM. The point? This is my own invention heck .. hehehe ... If you use the X-Trail, at a speed of 100 km / h, the engine RPM is 2500 rpm. Meanwhile, if you use Avanza 1.3 VVT-i, at a speed of 100 km / h, the engine RPM is much higher at 3500 rpm. It turns out that remained good oil in the X-Trail up to 5000 km, in Avanza (dg oil brands and the same spec) already feel less comfortable at 3500 miles. Please concluded itself yes .... The count like this: 2500 rpm / 3500rpm = 0.715, if the same oil in the X-Trail replaced per 5000 km, then at Avanza 1.3, the replacement: 5000km x 0715 = 3575 km. Incidentally now in magazine Autobild, given data2 how RPM at a speed of 100 km / h, then the data can be used to calculate the oil change period as well. 4. Oil change interval is calculated based on the Oil Age. Age oil herein is calculated by the on-board computer that is dimobil2 upscale. Car manufacturers have a calculation method based on the Oil Age, the number of times the engine is off-switched, how long the engine ignition, oil temperature upon use, viscosity and oil slippage, etc. Essentially we as users stay adherents car, if it's time oil change, then there will be an indicator light that lights on the dashboard. This method is most comfortable and easy. Unfortunately at the Nissan X-Trail yet this feature. So my sharing, may add insight about the turn of oil. If membca this article and you add a headache, then just follow the one recommendation from the car manufacturer or car repair shop you trust.

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